Need advise on a 125 gallon setup



Hey all,
Just was wondering if I could get some input for my 125 that I'm going to set up this summer. Some questions I have:
1. What size of refugium should I make?
2. What kind of flow rate should I aim for and what kinds of water pumps do you recommend? How quiet are they?
3. How do I heat this big of a tank?
4. I'm not sure if I want to use PC or MH for my lighting or a combination. I see people always worry about the MH getting too hot...wouldn't this just take out the burden of the heater?
5. What kind of RO/DI system do you have and does it do a good enough job to keep down algae/cyanobacteria blooms?
6. Do you do any preventative maintenance for lateral line disease?
Ok, I think that about does it for now... Hope I didn't ask too many questions.
Also, if you have pictures of your tank or equipment it would be awesome if you could post them or email them to me.


I would do a 1800 mag for the return pump.Refugium go as big as you can .Not sure where youlive I have no heater on my 150 gal the lights do enough.I have Kent RO/DI works great got mine from ***********.com for $169 love it.Lighting I ahve VHO and I have all types of corals and clams they do fine. I do love the look of MH lighting for you get the shimmer effect.MH does however put alot of heat out and need proper fans & hood.I have never had algea blooms nor lateral line disease.Lighting you want 6 wats per gal / turn tank over as much as possible lot of movement.Maxi jet 1200's are good powerheads last a good while and are quiet.Well hope answered your questions and was some form of help any more feel free to let me know.


Well I just set up my 125 last week and I am thinking of setting up a sump soon, not reef ready though but i am going to get a hang on box for it. I would go with a large fuge cause it removes trates from the water, plenty of lr, you might want to go with a dsb, but i didnt care for it, I have a bare bottom tank. you have to make a few decisions based on wher ethe tank is set up too. check your options.


Is a grounding probe nothing more than a metal wire plugged into the ground wire of the outlet?