Need Advise


New Member
Hi, I am new to owning an anemone and i have a question. my son put a scoop of ph in the pump accidentally instead of adding it slowly to the water. needless to say....our sabea anemone freaked out and it looked like it turned inside out....luckily he went ride side up again, but now he is sitting on the bottom of the tank and not attaching to the rock. and he is upside down....any advice????


Well-Known Member
Monitor it. If it looks like it has spilled it's guts out, remove it before it can harm the rest of your tank.
If it starts to bleach out (color loss) keep an eye on it to make sure that color comes back, if it looks like it is dying, remove it immediately. color loss results in inappropriate lighting and water chemistry.
Now is the time to research water quality, water chemistry, water flow and lighting a reef tank. If you don't already have reef lighting, you will need it to keep an anemone alive. But, if this one doesn't succeed, remember that it's close to 95% that all wild caught anemones will die in captivity. So, don't beat yourself up over it too bad.
Oh, and hide the supplements from people who don't know chemistry. If you are having problems with your pH, I suggest taking the lid off of your tank and running a refugium on a timer opposite the display tank. Adding pH buffers do NOT fix pH problems long term.
Keep reading... just keep reading, reading, reading... (lol)


New Member
Thank you so much. I appreciate your advise. I will read.....I am goint to the library tomorrow to get all the books i can.
In the mean time, should i leave him upside down and on the sand? is that ok? its been almost 24 hours that this happened and he came off the rock?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by anemone22 http:///t/393250/need-advise#post_3497045
Thank you so much. I appreciate your advise. I will read.....I am goint to the library tomorrow to get all the books i can.
In the mean time, should i leave him upside down and on the sand? is that ok? its been almost 24 hours that this happened and he came off the rock?
He knows which side is up. He's upside down on purpose. He will do what he wants to do. I would leave it alone and let it recover - IF it recovers.