Need an opinion


Right now I have one 400watt MH light on my tank.
Would it be better to add one more or add one 175 on bot sides of it, or use three 175s instead. I would like to have this a reef tank & personally like the MH look.
It's a 6 foot 125.
Thanks for any opinions!!!!!


i have a 150 tank, and i have 3 175 MH in it with 4 vho actinics. we started with 2 mh and we got this dark V in the middle of the tank from the stretcher on the tank. put a middle one in and it looks better. we did the mh DIY and bought m50 ballast at light store,($60 each) and ordered the bulbs on line.
so, i would think you would like the 3 bulbs, i like the accent of blue actinics, and for before and after the halides come on/off. you may see the the "V" in my pictures online. I have some older photos in there somewhere.:)