Need an suggestion for sump pump 125 gallon tank 55 gallon sump.


Active Member
What type of overflow do you have and what is the flowrate rating?
If you have an internal overflow pump size is not critical anything from 0-100% of the overflows rating is fine. HOB overflows are a little more finicky, you need to select a pump that can returm 70-100% of the overflows rating after headloss is subtracted.


Originally Posted by shwstpr88
How do i find that out? I have two internal over flows with looks to be two 2in holes in each overflow.
I have a 125 with two predrilled holes 2". I use two 1200 gph return pumps. Works great.


Active Member
A couple mag 9.5, Mag 12, Quietone 5000, Quietone 6000 pumps would work great. All are reliable and range from $90 to $120 in price.


what should the gph be on the pump I will need to shop around for a good price I am on a tight budget but will be able to upgrade as time goes on.


Active Member
What are you planning on having in the sump? If you are going to have a skimmer in your sump you want to have enough flow to give the skimmer a constant supply of dirty water.


Active Member
I would probably start with the Mag 12 also, you can start with one and upgrade to two later down the road if you need to cut cost.