Need Anenome Help FAST!!



I dunno what happened to my GBTA. How do i know if it is dying or not. This morning at 1pm it was nice and full and i came home 4 hrs later at and it looks like its all shriveled up. It is still attached to the rock. I added it to my tank 3 days ago. I just checked all the parameters and this is what i got
Temperature: 80 F
pH: 8.2
Salinity: 1.025 SG
Alkalinity: 3.20 meq/l
Calcium: 475 ppm
Nitrate: 0 ppm
Phosphate: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm
I have it under 2x175MH and 2x65watt PC. All my other corals are perfectly fine. What is happening?
I took a few pictures of it here it is. Please let me know what is going on and if it is dead so i can get it out of my tank. I think if it were dead though that there would be some spikes in my parameters.



keep an eye on them. They are probably getting acclimated to your tank and expelling the water in them to replace with new. First time I saw it, I also was very worried, however, in a few hours they were full and looking great.
Remember, they are sacks of water.

Good luck - dxtr


Did you happen to add any additives before this happend?


mine has been doing the same since it was added to the tank about a month ago. it's doing it less and less (at this point maybe once every two or three days) so i assumed it was just getting used to the water. but when that anemone is open, boy does it look great. keep an eye on it but, from my experience, you shouldn't be worried.


Its back to being nice and full today i think your right that its just getting use to the tank.


you'll know when it's dead.......It will turn to like a goo and It stinks soo bad.... it will reak like death everyone in the house will gag.... anemones are very strange and will expand and shrink up to a 10th of there size ... wait.... be patient... it will go back and forth alot.... it's normal


thanks for the help i am a noob when it comes to anenomes i didnt know they did that and know i know :jumping:


no problem. I've had Fla. Condi and now have a GBTA and Hatian (sp?). by no means an expert like Mr. thomas, however, I have learned a few things in my 12 months of reefkeeping.
Remember: these are Sacks of Water.
they fill up with your water, live off it, expell it, use the light to nourish themselves from your water, etc. When they deflate (and yes, it freaked me out too) they are expelling the water and replacing it with new water. At least that is how I interperted what i have read and heard. Thomas please correct if I am mistaken.
Good Luck! - dxtr


Ive noticed it has neen doing the shrinking thing every other day but comes back faster and faster everytime. I finally fed it for the first time with a lil piece of raw shrimp. It was gone within a minute.


There are a few numbers missing out of that tracking number you sent. I emailed you asking for the correct tracking number a few days ago.Could you please email me the correct tracking number.


Mine did the same thing tonight, the only thing i did today is i fed my fish with brine and something called tahitian blend, which is a phytoplankton mix. it was fine for a whie and now it looks limp and shrunken.


shoudl be okay right? even when the tenticles shrink too? the whole thing looks like excuse the description, a saggy codom. Its also hanging upsidwon from a rock. *slightly worried*


Stop with the phytoplankton, its not really going to help with your anemone. Also unless its live don't feed any brine, its nutritionally worthless.
How about you don't try to feed this anemone at all for the next couple of weeks and see what happens. Also pay attention to how much food the tank gets overall.
And how about a good 20% water change, and a few onces of fresh carbon, just to help clean the water.
Then take another picture and lets see what is happening. He still has nice color so it doesn't appear that the zooxanthellae is leaving him..a good sign.
I don't like that he has been deflating so much and so severe, do the water change.


yeah it should be fine. Mine did the same thing again after i feed it some shrimp. It was just getting rid of its waste.


New Member
You will know when it is dying (at least I will now in the future) - the first clue when my LTA was dying was that the ends of the tentacles turned dark and shriveled, even though the rest of the tentacle seemed fine . . . I relied on our LFS's advice that it was just "cycling", but that was not the case. I had it for 1 week and that amount of time it went from beautiful and full to oozng jelly - we are still heartbroken! The pictures you posted don't look anything like mine did. Good luck with yours . . . this was our first lesson in "light".