need answer please........

chef jaysen

I have a 42 gallon hex reef with some fish. I have a duetto which is a power head with three compartment filtration and one power filter. I finally broke in and bought a bak pak 2 which has a protien skimmer. The question is when I remove the power filter and replace it with the bak pak will I go through a mini cycle, and if so how should I tackle this........Thanks in advance my all knowing peers..


Active Member
Your LR should keep you ok. You will lose some surface area by removing your filter. With your bioload I recommend very light or no feedings for a couple of days to alllow your rock to catch up. You should be fine but keep a close watch on your animals and as always, do a water change if things get funky.
Good Luck!

nm reef

Active Member
Things may become a bit unstable and I could see potential for a increase in nitrates...but I don't think the change will be too severe. Definitely monitor things closely for a few weeks. Removing the filter with your bio-load may trigger a bit of a change in your filtration capacity...but I'd guess things will settle back rather quick.
Good luck....did you get the BacPac or the BacPac 2R? I've run a BacPac2R for about 2 years currently skims my 58 fish only system but started on my reef...personally I like the way it real hard for a lil old hang on!:cool:

chef jaysen

I bought the bak pak 2. The one with the bio stuff in it. I paid 140 with shipping. Seemed like a good deal. My lfs wanted 220, I thought I could use the extra cash for dinner for the month or more beer for the week. Hahaha. cheers............