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ledzep fan

Active Member
I was just at my local pet store and i saw these really cool chocalate starfish. I was wondering if it would be possible if i could have one. I have a 120 gallon fish tank with these fish:
1. Porcupine Puffer
2. Volitan Lionfish
3. Yellow Tang
4. Koran Angel
5. Maroon Clown
6. Snowflake Eel
7. some type of wrasse
The only thing i was worried about was the puffer but, the guy at the pet store said that only the Dog Face Puffers would bother them. What do you guys think? All suggestions welcome. :help:


Active Member
CC stars are harmless,, but if you have any corals at all they will eat everythign, their not reef safe but other than that go for it! i dont htink anythign will pick at the stars but maybe the angles might?
you have to spot feeed them meaty foods such as squid, krill, shrimp, anythign really i got three stars one of them bieng a CC star and i love him, hes probably the least active of all my stars though


Active Member
there ya go..thank you .. i thought theremight have been a certain fish that picked on the but i didnt nwo which ones


I've had my porc puffer with a CC for about 3 months and have had no problems at all.
I feed my porc everyday so he has no reason to go picking at anything for food. I do believe that if I was to feed him every other day he would pick at it... But he has never bothered him at all... Maybe I just got lucky, who knows...


I don't know what size porc you have, but size does matter. Mine is almost 7" and I added a red general starfish (same as CC starfish only red). I feed my porc twice a day. I have no choice, he eats anything I put in there even flake food. Anyway, it took him about a week to bite off every point on the starfish. I gave the starfish back to the LFS shortly after.
If you've got a smaller (under 4") puffer, there is a better chance of it not nipping.


Active Member
wrasses and puffers will both pick at inverts (stars included) stars are slow moving making them easy snacks for both species of fish.also choch chip stars have been known to eat smaller fish whilethey are sleeping.keep an eye on the wrasse also some are known to pick at eels and gobies. i used to have a 11 inch engeneerr gobie before i had triggers or wrasses in my tank i dont know exactly who to blame for eating him but both had the sme picking habbit.wheni found my gobie last he was 6 inches long they had eating half of him (he was still alive)word of caution

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks for all your replies. I really don't know if i should take the chance. The puffer is like 3.5 inches long. I jus t put in some snails to take care of my alage. The puffer and the wrasse have left them alone so far. They also had some sand sifting stars at the pet store. I thought if my puffer or wrasse got hungry they wouldn't be able to pick at them beacuse he would be hiding under the sand. I really like star fish and i want one but, i dont want it to get eaten. Would there be any stars that would work in my setup?
LedZep fan


I have CC starfish in both my tanks with puffers and never had a problem with anything. I think you should be fine.


Originally Posted by tainte97
I have CC starfish in both my tanks with puffers and never had a problem with anything. I think you should be fine.
Was it specifically a porc puffer? In my experience, the porcs are the most aggressive and nip the most.


Active Member
In the wild, puffers, larger wrasses, and triggerfish are KNOWN PREDATORS OF SEASTARS.
You assume this risk. IMO, I would not take it.
If you are going ahead with it, some advice:
A sand sifter star can not be spot fed and without a very large sand bed will starve to death in most tanks within a year. It is not a good choice, IMO, nor will it stay hidden in the sand.
You are far better off with things like chocolate chip, Bahama, red generals or red Africans which are all hardier fish and able to be spot fed.
In addition, water quality really should be kept quite good. Specific gravity should ideally be 1.025 - 1.026. 1.024 might be OK, but commonly used specific gravities of 1.019-1.021 may be fatal to seastars.

ledzep fan

Active Member
No i didn't. They still have them at the pet store though. I have no clue what to do. The thing i'm worried about is the whole thing of them eating sleeping fish and the possiblity that my puffer and wrasse will pick on him. What would you guys do in my situation??? :help:


Well, my advise hasn't changed. I don't think you should get one. It's very miserable when you have to pull it's chewed remains from your tank. CC starfish are very durable, but won't stand up to a puffers beak.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
I dont have a trigger though? LOL Ya i still think i won't get 1
It's been a long day. lol


Active Member
The likelihood of them eating sleeping fish is very very low, IMO, and I think the actual cases where this has happened is pretty low - a lot are probably mistaken cases where the fish died and the star was caught with it.
It is FAR more likely that the wrasse and puffer would mess with it, so I agree, I personally would not do it.