Need Assistance!


New Member
I am new to the Saltwater Hobby: Tank is 4 months old.
I am currently maintaining a 10 gallon customized acrylic tank.
Equipment: Coralife Power Compact Strip producing 36 watts
Livestock: Damsel, Chromis, Condy Anenome
Coral: Mushrooms and Clove Polyps
Problem: My water parameters are a bit off. They are:
PH: 8.4
Nitrate: .20
Ammonia: .25
Nitrite: .25
I do weekly water changes with R/O water but I can't get my parameters in line with what they should be? Will these parameters kill my coral as well? I do have both live rock and live sand. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


If your readings are right something is seriously wrong, you should not have nitrites or ammonia


What test kit are u using and how old is it? They sometimes go bad. Also you might try taking the water to the LFS and have it tested there to see what are their readings.

aztec reef

Active Member
double check your levels at a LFS, take a sample of water and see if they are similar to yours .. If they're not then you'll need new testing kits i recommend Salifer....
I was having that same problem and my tank is about 2 months old. I was told I am feeding too much too often, so I cut back to feeding once a day.


Active Member
its probably right and you are overfeeding.
I do that too haha.
Try to only feed what your critters can eat in a few minutes. mix the food in a cup and dump half in, if they eat it all, dump a little more. When they stop chasing the food like rabbid animals they are done! Target feed your anemone to lower the amount of extra food in the water that doesnt hit his tentacles. I even target feed my shrimp sometines. They come right up to the seasquirt(turkeybaster) and I squirt food at them .. they go nutzo its hysterical.
feed less, target feed if necessary, water changes and a good protein skimmer.
you could always pic up a brittle star or something. they help with the junk that hits the sandbed alot.