Need cleaning suggestions


The tank has been up for a month now and I am getting brown "algae", i assume, everywhere. I heard that this is due to food/overlighting or something. Can I buy some inverts or something to take care of this?


Your tank appears to still be cycling. Brown algea is a normal part of a cycle. It will dissipate on it's own as your cycle completes. No need to do anything at this time except continue to test your water parameters. Allow the cycle to complete.


Ok, thanks. It's just i've read stuff on here about a "cleaning crew", etc.. I have been taking water to the LFS for testing. How long do you think I have to wait still? Thanks.


Although each tank cycles differently, the "norm" is 4 to 6 weeks. I'm reading your comment about "taking water to the lfs for testing" as you don't own a test kit for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. My best advice to you is....get one.
Clean up crews are very important to have, but not until your cycle is completed and your tank develops enough food for the crew to eat. My guess is you have a few weeks, at least, before you need any snails, crabs, etc.


Ora, I had the same problem with brown algea on my DSB after about a month, I used Phos-zorb. I can't tell you if that was the correct way to go and am not telling you to do so or not to do so. (It is merely what I did at the point and time). It seemed to work, but then again it could of just cycled its self out at the same time (I'm not sure).
Just wanted to post this and maybe you will get some pros and cons of the treatment (as will I).
I know I didn't answer the question, but other more experienced members can give you the yeah/neah on that treatment.

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like your system is in its cycle and may be near completion. Diatom blooms are common at this stage and will go away eventually. You do need to test and monitor ammonia/nitrite/nitrate to have a feel for where you are at in your cycle. Do you have recent results from these tests?
If the system is cycled then yes it would be a good time to consider a clean up crew...but I would not add them until the ammonia is zero...the nitrite is zero...and the nitrate has fallen to under 10 ppm. After that point then I'd consider snails/hermits etc..... :cool:


So it sounds like I am almost cycled. Cool. Well, I appreciate all the good input from everyone. I plan on getting a test kit but dont know which to get. I posted another topic on this, but haven't got many replies. I will try and post my results tommorow after visiting the LFS if anyone else cares to comment. I would appreciate it.
Also, I have heard about the CC and my UGF being bad although I have heard a few people saying they do it and it's allright. Anyway, I would LOVE to go with a DSB and some LR now, BUT i am assuming it's a little too late now. I would hate to start this whole thing over again. That would stink. I would really love the sand though. I think it would be a neat look. Don't blame me though, the LFS people SOLD me the CC and UGF. The other lfs here that does saltwater stuff is very rude. They think that if you are not an experienced "reefer" they don't wanna even talk to you. I haven't gone back there.


I understand what you're saying about some lfs not being very accomodating or accepting of novice sw hobbists. I don't think anyone will be "blaming" you (lol).
You are correct about CC and UGF's. Most people on this board would not recommend either, but there are some folks who have had success with both. I had a very bad phosphate problem because of the CC I used, but that was me and that's a story for another post.
You're also correct that removing your CC and UGF and adding LR and LS would be akin to "starting all over", at least as far as the amount of work and the cycle starting again (plus the money you'd spend on the ls and lr!!).
It's your tank. CC and a UGF will work. It's up to you what you do with your substrate and filtration...........


New Member
It seems like you are on the right track by your description. I just thought i would relate a little more info to what others have wrote. The main point is that what you are experiencing is probably Diatom blooms as the others have suggested. It can be a problem at the beggining. I used several turbo snails which did a good job of cleaning the rocks which were covered. The biggest change i did was to stop using TAP WATER. It contains silica which iw what diatoms thrive on. I started using container water(from the supermarket) when doing water Changes. No problems since. Good luck and do yourself a favor, get a test kit.