Need Color - Fish for 28gal -Suggestions Please!


I have a JBJ Nano 28gal all in one. We are looking to eventually add a couple more fish to this tank then call it full. I wanted to know what you feel we could add in to the tank. It needs color as it is bare! We have two options were thinking about right now but not sure how we are going to go about this. 1- Starting over on the fish for this tank and moving who is in there to another or 2- adding to it to finish it off. Please let me know your suggestions on both ways if you would. Remember we need color so please keep in mind!
Current Fish Occupents:
Six Line Wrasse & 2 Clowns

coral keeper

Active Member
Flame angel, Coral Beauty Angel, and Bicolor Angel are nice. But they are 50/50 with corals. Bicolor Blenny has a TON of personality and is pretty colorful, Midas Blenny, Banggai Cardinal, Pajama Cardinal, Clown Goby(small but pretty), Firefish are nice, or Blue spotted Jawfish if you have a 3+ inch sand bed and $100.(they run around $100+ each)