Need compatibility with blue spot ray


Are ray's reef safe? I want to get a blue spot, but I also want some corals(type yet to be decieded) My tank is 7'x2'x2 (give or take a little). I was thinking to keep about half of the tank empty (no rock or coral, but dsb of course) and the other half my rock and coral? Do you think it would work?


Bummer. Is my tank big enough? So , no coral but what about LR? I take it no inverts either? Sounds like a boring tank just to have 1 cool fish.


First off there are actually two kinds of "blue spot" stingrays, the one your most likely refering too is the ribbontail ray(taeniura lymma) which has a maximum disc width of about 11 inches.
I second what anthem said, your tank wouldn't be good for one unless it was totally dedicated to keeping the ray.