Need coral ID...


Active Member
You had a devil's hand leather growing in that spot? Cause THAT is what one looks like. I have had other leathers do that also. I have one that will not pull out. In a SPS tank, it's a nussance.:D


Awe crap!! I wasn't sure what it was so I gave it away simply cause it was a softy. Maybe when this one gets bigger, I'll do the same.:rolleyes:
Devils hand huh?? Thanks a lot dburr!!


Well, what we have established is that I never had xenia, it (the one in question) grows really slow, I had a (rescue) devilshand in the exact same spot that I completely forgot about and it most likely that that's growing back.
I can think of a few logical reasons to think it is indeed the devils hand regrowing, but 2 people come forth and say xenia.
If you had indeed read the whole post and you still think it's xenia, I was curious as to why...


Oh no dburr, I trust your IDing the devilshand and am now confident that that's what it is, I was just curious why they kept saying xenia. I was wondering if they even knew about the other coral or not. If so then you may win some money yet!:D