Need details on formalin baths...


My clown looks like it has brookynella even though I have had him for months and have not
added any new fish. I am assuming the parasite arrived on a new coral? Anyway, I understand I need to remove him from the DT and treat him in a dedicated container for 45 min. Do I need to have some kind of air stone or circulation in the bucket? I have read Beth's procedures and just hope I can find some formalin at a lfs. I do not have a qt.


When I treated with formailin, I placed the fish in a small bucket with an airstone and tubing that was dedicated to only formalin baths. After the fish were healed, I through the stone and tubing away since you wouldnt want to accidentally use this airstone in a display tank. I think the airstone is a good idea during the dip.
I saw your other thread, are you certain its brook? IF the fish is eating and swimming happily, I would just watch it very VERY closely for signs of stres (heavy breathing). When my fish had Brook they were peeling visibly before I treated them.


Thanks for your reply. Right now, I am just keeping a close eye on him. Maybe it is the early stages of ick? I saw the clown letting my cleaner shrimp clean him for the first time...


Staff member
Yes, it may be the early stages of ich. Try using a magnifying glass to get a better look.