Need Emergency Help


New Member
Warning kind of long, but I need HELP PLEASE!
I went out of town for 2 weeks and had a fellow co-worker watch my tank while I was gone. I gave him detailed instrustions on what he had to do and how important it was that he had to check on everything daily. Mainly all he had to do was feed the fish and fill the sump and check salt levels. I also gave him my cell phone # in case he had any questions, but he never called.
When I got home my tank looked like a desert! When I left for the war I left my wife with less instructions and she did an amazing job for 2 1/2 months and she absolutely had no idea what she was doing. Now in 2 weeks I lost so much. I was so upset I just wanted to give up and take everything to the LFS and QUIT this hobby. I cant. I love my tank too much to give it up cause some idiot was to lazy. I lost a coral beauty, a purple psuedochromy, a mandrin and several corals and a few snails. total about $500 worth of tank creatures and countless months of work. I also have before and after pics.
I checked all perameters, ammonia 0 (surprizingly) nitrate 12.5 nitrite 0, ph 8.0 and salt 1.016. I immediately started making new salt water to slowly bring the salt level back up, I also ran some fresh carbon. I got home around 1:30am after a 9 hr drive home and didnt go to sleep till 8am. The worst part about it was that I wasnt even tired because I was so upset.
The things that made it through all this were 2 false percs, a bicolor blenny, some button polyps, and the bubble tip anemones that had just split before I left. I tested the water today and everything seems stable. The button polyps are more open and the anemones are more open. Salt is sitting at 1.023 The glass is covered in green and brown algea that grows super fast no matter how much I clean the glass. I took all the dead matter out that I could.
I think I should take everything and put it in a trash can and fill it with the tank water, put the lights over it and try to clean out the tank and try to mix the top layer of sand. Normally I wouldnt do this, but what happen is that he got really lazy and after the 3rd day he filled the sump as much as it could hold. Well the power went out for about 2 hrs and the sump over flowed and the carpet got soaked. When he finally came back over he niticed that the sump was really low so he filled it again with fresh ro/di water (no salt) and I guess the power went out agian the following day. And everything happend again. Im surprized anything make it. He is willing to give me $500 back, but that still doesnt make up for what I lost, or all the work that this is causing me, and the carpet that I have to replace.
Any suggestions would be really helpful. Thanx in advance


no suggestions, but i am very sorry to hear about your situation... I am going on a few business trips myself, and am very nervouse about who is going to take care of my tank.


That sucks. Even though your friend didn't do what he was suppose to at least he admits to it. I'd take the $500 try to mend the friendship and never ask him to watch the tank for you again. Don't quit the hobby, it is too much fun. Everything will work out. Good luck.
PS Make him help install the carpet.


Active Member
sorry about your loss =( i had a buddy do the same thing he left out of town for a week came back and some idiot dropped a razor blade in his tank.


Dang my friend, that is a true horror story.
Here is what I would do. negotiate with your friend to keep your friendship, it sounds like he feels bad enough but do what it takes to put it behind the both of you.
If the tank really seemed polluted to you the go ahead and clean it as you said. When I did it I used several buckets to hold the stock, that way I could separate them and hopefully reduce the stress a little....they will stress.
If you travel a lot (and even if you don't) could consider a flotation monitored RO device that can run directly from your house water. The device feeds RO water to your sump when the level gets too low...
I don't see how you can blame your friend for the carpeting... say again how it is possible for the lack of power to cause your tank to empty?


that sucks man...I am leaving for 2 weeks on thursday and left a friend in charge of the tank...
Been teachin him for the last week..hopefully all goes well