need everyones advice


New Member
Alright guys i got some money burning a hole in my pocket. I wanna setup a agressive fish only tank for my living room but have never done a saltwater tank before. Any advice on getting started? What are the most agressive fish? What size tank would be good? PRice? any advice would be helpfuk. thanks


If it burning a hole that bad .. please mail to M. *******
**-** 220 st
New York, Ny 1103
Got that?


i'd advise reading the es aych aye tee out of this board before buying anything.
use the search feature above to locate specifics.
then, say to yourself 10,000 times in every language... "i am patient, and i will go slow or down the pot my money shalt go."

marine qa

Read, read, read. Be weary of fish store (LFS) advice as they really like to sell stuff.
An Undulated Trigger is very mean and attractive. So mean that it can only be kept with few other fish.
I personally have peaceful tank. Its a nice change from work.


only advice i can give you is do your homework dont rush anything along. Gather all your information before you start. Salt water fish are not like most fish. About the tank size thats your choice and how much you want to spend i have to tell you salt water fish are not for people who are cheap. So good luck


how much money you got there? youre probably gonna spend that in the first couple days, and then have to spend alot more. the best advice i can give you is to find the specific fish you want before you do anything. find out their tank requirements and all the equipment you will need and how much everything costs. then if you are still interested go get a tank. just so you know, you are going to have to be very patient in this hobby, it takes awhile to be able to get the fish you want, but its all so you dont buy them and then have to watch them die. ok, thats the warning part. now that youve heard everybody warning you, which is in your best interest, you should know that if i had it to do over i would have got a bigger tank and spent more $. as much $ and effort and time as you have to put into this, you are rewarded 10 times over with somehting really fun to watch and a huge feeling of satisfaction when you can just watch and know that everything is going great. also if it comes down to buying one thing or another and one is more expensive, theres a reason for that. the more expensive one is better. ive done it a million times, but vowed never to do it again. id buy the cheaper thing and then have to go buy the expensive anyways cause the cheap one doesnt work. also you cant read enough about this stuff. good luck and if you have any quesitons post them on this board, the people here know their stuff.


New Member
Im not sure what size tank i can getaway with. I wanna do a fish only tank. I really wanna get a lionfish. i guess the other fish i get will be decided by what gets along with the lion. what size tank would be good for a lion and say maybe a few more fish compatible with the lion. Im not cheap by far and i have been reading for about 2weeks everything i can. But i dont trust the guys at the lfs and i know you guys willl be honset with me. i wish i could find someone in my area to help me out.


If that money is burning a hole in the pocket go buy some books. They are some of the best sources for every thing. I bought a couple before I even started and w/ suggestions from my excellent LFS, I got into saltwater. Go by this book; The Conscientious Marine Aquarist written by Robert M. Fenner. It is an excellent book. TJ


New Member
i have been reading everything i can fo rthe last few weeks and really wanna start

marine qa

I think you may want a 120g or so to keep a large lion and some others. Lucky for you the Aggressive section has returned.


New Member
I am new to this hobby too. My equipment was bought used from a friend that has been doing saltwater tanks for the past twelve years and I am sure I saved money doing that. When I began the hobby I didn't even THINK about cost which lead me to spend money impulsively and I bought decorations that I ended up taking out of the tank because I didn't THINK through the whole idea of what I wanted my tank to look like. Some of the decorations (fake plants for instance) just didn't give me the natural look I wanted so I now see about $50.00 worth of fake plants everytime I walk into my garage...$50.00 would buy a really nice fish! Get the idea? Fenner's book says the most expensive part of this hobby is not set-up but rather maintenance. If money burning a hole in your pocket is something you're used to (meaning you have unlimited funds often) I would buy a large tank (100g or more) because the larger it is the easier it is to balance. Concentrate on filtration because water quality is the most important part of keeping your fish healthy. Have fun! ~N~


New Member
when i said "money burning a hole in my pocket" i ment it more as i finally have the money to set up a tank. thanks for the advice though