Need Experienced Reefer advice on major tank overhaul


first off: 55gDT 260w PC 18g-sump 18g-fuge 60lbs LR
Well I finally went for it and made about 40 lbs of DIY rock. lots of cool shapes and shelves. I would like to add this to my tank and totally change the structure. (curing the rock rght now)
Now, I also have CC and would like to replace it with LS.
My question is....would it make sense to take everything out and go ahead and replace the CC and build a new structure with the new rock?
Will this cause a new cycle?
What is the best way to do this?
thanks....I need to set aside an entire weeked I assume. :notsure:


Active Member
start now by removing a little CC at a time.....when the rock is ready to add, most of the cc should be gone.


so start taking a few cups a week out, until the rock is cured and ready to put in.....
then, when the rock is ready, take out all creatures, corals, LR, and remaining CC.....then what....just add LS and start putting things back in (after sand settles)?
I just dont want to start another cycle, or hurt the fish or corals.


Originally Posted by dieselndix
so start taking a few cups a week out, until the rock is cured and ready to put in.....
then, when the rock is ready, take out all creatures, corals, LR, and remaining CC.....then what....just add LS and start putting things back in (after sand settles)?
I just dont want to start another cycle, or hurt the fish or corals.

If this is a mature tank were talking about... I wouldn't advise you to take out ANY CC without taking out your livestock. Just get a big bin or container to hold your stock... and i would do it all at once. No matter what you are trying to do.... slow or fast removal of the CC.. your going to at least see your trates come up. It is best IMO to just do it all at once, it beats doing water changes everytime you take out a cup of CC. However.. if you have no place to store livestock, and plan on keeping everything in the tank... it can be done with very little loss. Just make sure you have PLENTY of water on hand b/c you will be doing a lot of water changes. Every cup of CC out.. i would advise for a water change... 10-20% depending on parameters. When i did my girlfriends, after every "scoop" we saw the trates go from about 0 to about 25-30... and the ammonia and trite even went up at one point a little which called for a large water change... I just think it would be smarter and safer to just take out all livestock... and replace your entire bed. Your tank will def. go into a short cycle if its mature.... but is usually less time consuming than your first cycle... i've heard of about a week tops.. water changes will shorten time greatly. If you do this soon... everything will be back to normal in no time.. then add your rock your curing now.. wait a few days, check parameters, if fine.. add back your livestock
I hope this helps, what stuckinfla said WILL work.. i just think this would be safer and save you some agrivation