Need expert advice !!! - Bio balls in filter


I have been told by a fairly well versed saltwater fish/ reef tank keeper that trickle filters using bio balls as the media are BAD for reef tanks. He claims that you should use only a skimmer and live rock/sand. He claims bio balls are a nitrate/nitrite factory and can harm the reef environment.
Other smart people tell me that I should use both. Please give me some advice !!!!!
You are going to get nothing but conflicting advice. I have kept 2 tanks with them with no problems, others will have different stories telling you to stay away. You could slowly remove the balls and test your levels making sure they are always in range.


i started with a wet/dry bio ball set up took them out after 2 months 1/3 1/3 1/3 been running now 9 months with out them and have never seen any nitrate readings on my test kits

reef dude

I use a wet/dry on my 90 gallon and i had the same exact questions as you. There was a lot of confliciting advice, all from very experienced reef keepers. I ended up taking SOME of the bio balls out, maybe 1/5 or 1/4 of them, but not all of them. My nitrate readings in the first month or so were apprx 10ppm. Within weeks they dropped to 0ppm. Nitrites have never been an issue. Its really up to you. I think you'll be fine with the bio balls, maybe just take a couple handfuls out every once in a while.


we had this discusion at work, and i was told by a extremely reliable source, that bio-balls are good in the begining when setting up the tank and cycleing, but after time when the tank is established they can be nitrate factories, hence bad, but IMO its a good thing to have them in the first few months of a tanks life....


I have seen and have also been told, that a fish only system, or a predator set up does well with a wet/dry and bio balls. If you have live rock, and live sand, and have "live" biological filtration, then you dont need bio balls. I've also found that EVERY LFS has their own theory and ideas, and each will send you down different paths, the great thing about this hobby is there are several ways to success. I reccomend finding a set up that you really like, then take a look at if they have bio balls or not... when I first started a LFS store tried to sell me penguin paddle wheels to filter a reef tank....go figure.