Need Expert Opinion On Choosing Corals


Looking to save myself money and grief so I hope everyone or anyone can help on this. I have a 20H tank with two high intensity Coralife 50/50 bulbs(all I can afford right now). I'm looking for some beginners corals with intense colors that would work well under those conditions. Mushrooms seem to be growing wild in the tank but I'd like something more "coral-like" i.e. with branches like a birdsnest. Any suggestions?......and where do I order it from? Thank you

tang master

Order here on I would recomend a "DEVILS HAND LEATHER". Thay are really cool corals. Or you could look into a "Chilli coral", "colt coral", or "frog spawns" all have some pretty intense colors. Go check em' out and tell me what you think.


I already have a frogspawn and it's not doing so good. I don't know if it's because I had it nearest to the lights or because my phospherous is to high. I also got another coral that purple and the growth makes me think of purple cabbage.. Sorry, not to good with names.
I'll check the out what you mentioned. I just don't want anymore green things. I've got green mushrooms, green frag, green clown goby named Kermit(you knew that one had to be coming. lol). I'd like reds and yellows or even blue.


Originally Posted by Pixiefish
I already have a frogspawn and it's not doing so good. I don't know if it's because I had it nearest to the lights or because my phospherous is to high. I also got another coral that purple and the growth makes me think of purple cabbage.. Sorry, not to good with names.
I'll check the out what you mentioned. I just don't want anymore green things. I've got green mushrooms, green frag, green clown goby named Kermit(you knew that one had to be coming. lol). I'd like reds and yellows or even blue.
What watts are your lights? That may be the frogspawns problem..

tang master

Originally Posted by Pixiefish
I already have a frogspawn and it's not doing so good. I don't know if it's because I had it nearest to the lights or because my phospherous is to high. I also got another coral that purple and the growth makes me think of purple cabbage.. Sorry, not to good with names.
I'll check the out what you mentioned. I just don't want anymore green things. I've got green mushrooms, green frag, green clown goby named Kermit(you knew that one had to be coming. lol). I'd like reds and yellows or even blue.
I know what you mean. Green can be an overkill to your


is there a thread for beginners to corals... I would like to get some beginning research done and see if I could do corals in the future