Need Experts crab ID w/o pic

There is no way for me to get a pic of this tiny white nocturnal crab that I found in my lr. It is just white , has claws but small. He is about 1/2 inch across. He picked up my blue ricordia that is not attached yet and tried to use it as a door to his hole in lr. He does not wander far from hole at night. No clue what he eats. Hasn't bothered green ricordia attached to lr near his lair. thanks MBintraining


Active Member
There are thousands of species of crabs... exact IDs can be very difficult.
The only "guess" I have is maybe a Porcelain Anemone Crab "Neopetrolisthes maculosus".
the crab has a pattern of not colored lines but indentations in his shell that look like lines they go from his eyes to the back of his shell then others go from side to side so he looks like the squares of a checkerboard (without any colors). Hope this helps. MBintraining
May have eaten bubble algae and has blocked off one entrance to lair with rubble Mom said I should name him Barney. MBintraining
Crab blocked both holes of his lair tried to check on him he must have died in there. Got him before water contaminated yeah! :joy: lfs could not id him was not hairy had really small almost hook like rearmost legs was white with checkerboard lines in shell I liked him but didn't want him to terrorize my tank at night when I wasn't looking. Hope he wasn't a "new" un id species I just missed my chance for a foot into the marine biologist world. He did himself in I guess by blocking hi doors with rocks that he then couldn't move. Thanks for your help (tried to get pic of him but he turned really dark quickly when removed from water) MBintraining