need fast help with puffer

we have a valentini puffer and have had him for 2 weeks. Yesterday we found him lying hurt on the rocks. Its like his spine is stuck curved!!! he cant go straight and so the only way he can swim is around in a circle. I feel so bad i dont know what to do or what is wrong with him. i dont have a hospital tank so im kinda stuck...
water peram.
salinity: 1.0225
trates + trites: 0
hardness: 11
amonia: 0
temp: 78
i just dont know what to do, i feel like hes suffering:(
I was reading in a book and it said that ick can cause curvature of the spine. Is this true??? We also took a sample of water in to our LFS and they also tested all levels incuding calcium and everything was fine. Please help....


Active Member
im sorry i cant help but my bro also had problems with a one of those puffers i dont think there very hardy not to sure though
well he died last night. I had left him in a large net overnight cause he kept smashing into rocks. when i found him this morning and inspected his body there was what appeared to be some kind of bug that was neer his gill. It looked like it crawled out of him!!! anyone heard of this???
Ya i remember seeing it in uhh.... wat was that oh yea the movie aliens...(sry for ur los i was thinking of getting a puffer) But on a serious note i do remmeber seeing that exact same thing in a lfs (was urs like chasing its tail?
I dono i never asked but this store usualy doesnt have very healthy fish. But ya it was swiming in circles and it looked like it was chasing its tail. Ill go bak n see if its still there n ask em wats up for u.


weird bug attatched to him? the first thing that popped into my head was a cirolanid or an aegid. do an image search on yahoo or google and see if that was what was attatched to your fish. just a thought.