Need fish ID


Sounds like you already have quite a bit going on in your 28. Maybe if it is a small blenny, otherwise, do you think you have enough room?..............Peace


Active Member
I think I can pretty easily do three fish. I don't think most of the other stuff contributes very significantly to bioload. Anyone disagree? I don't want to upset the balance.
Would I be wise to feed algae sheets if I pick up a blenny?
By the way, my brittle and emerald are both very shy and receding little creatures. I wouldn't be too worried about them. The brittle is quite small, and he's not one of the more aggressive varieties (like the green).


Active Member
Originally Posted by uberlink
I think I can pretty easily do three fish. I don't think most of the other stuff contributes very significantly to bioload. Anyone disagree? I don't want to upset the balance.
Would I be wise to feed algae sheets if I pick up a blenny?
By the way, my brittle and emerald are both very shy and receding little creatures. I wouldn't be too worried about them. The brittle is quite small, and he's not one of the more aggressive varieties (like the green).
Bi-colored blenny would eat a variety food other then algae. Mine used to eat flakes, that's what the previous owner fed when I bought the tanks. I also got him to eat marine cuisine and other stuffs. :happyfish