Need fish suggestions for my new 210


I currently have a 120(5 ft) with the following fish. Im getting a 210 in a few weeks. what can i add if any to the new tank? can i also add some snails with these fish to help with algae?
1 queen angel-6"
1 flame angel- 3"
1 french angel - 3"
1 naso tang - 4"
1 long nose b/f - 3"
1 niger trigger - 3"
1 harlequin tusk - 4"
1 cleaner wrasse- 2"


Hmm...what about a purple tang or powder blue/brown? I went to my LFS today and they had a gorgeous powder blue tang...I'd have taken it if I could've.


Active Member
between the tusk and trigger, your attempts at keeping snails can be futile. as for the algae, check your phosphates and cut lighting back to 6-8 hrs(assuming they are on longer then this)


As for snails I have some pretty huge turbans (they are extremely fast...I was told at my LFS it depends where they come from, maybe someone else can explain that?) My tusk hasn't bothered my big snails he did take out my peppermints and a few smaller snails. Good luck with the new tank