Need fish suggestions!


I am going in a new direction and will be selling my shark and ray. I want to add more color to my 180 tank, so would like some help.
Thus far, I have 2 lookdowns, and a 5" miniautis grouper in there. Please help!
I like tangs, angels, anthias, puffers, wrasses.


lemonpeel angels are hardy and very cute. if i had a bigger tank i think i would consider a hawk fish, have lots of personality!! ooo a fairy wrasse would be awesome!


Active Member
Your grouper would make a meal out of any anthias you put in there so that's out. I have a very aggressive powder blue tang, you might want to consider a PBT and as for angel, maybe a emperor angel. No fairy wrasse for your tank, you'll want an aggressive wrasse, my favorite is the harlequin tusk.


Thanks for the replies. I got rid of my grouper, and got a tusk in exchange. In addition, I will be adding an emperor angel, and a blue tang to the tank. Thus, does this sound too much? Should I add one more fish?
2 lookdowns
1 tusk
1 emperor angel
1 blue tang
It is once again a 180 with LR and LS


Thanks for the replies. I got rid of my grouper, and got a tusk in exchange. In addition, I will be adding an emperor angel, and a blue tang to the tank. Thus, does this sound too much? Should I add one more fish?
2 lookdowns
1 tusk
1 emperor angel
1 blue tang
It is once again a 180 with LR and LS


Active Member
How big are your lookdowns? I would personally keep just one lookdown, that will open up alot of other choices. They get to be rather large and are fast swimmers. They also got a big appetite considering how thin they are.