need help!! about overflow

get a small tube and stick it up about half way through the u tube and just suck all the air out until the water starts to siphon...I still cant manage to do it without drinking a little seawater lol...
As soon as I can do it and keep my mouth dry im going to start doing it to peoples gas tanks... free gas! JP


Active Member
is that a CPR? if so you have to get all the air out of the bend using the hose I think thats pictured on the top of the overflow, do you have a powerhead to start the powerhead and keep it going


Active Member
Don't those things come with instructions...??
>I'm not picking on you fishman<
I'm just wondering if they come with instructions on how to start siphon and the "need" of a powerhead/pump to maintain proper opperation.


Mine never worked quite right. I had to take and suck on that black tube, and quickly shove it into the water to keep it from sucking air. Every 3 days or so i'd repeat the process. My glass refug sprung a leak, so I dont use the cpr overflow for now. When I do, I will get a powerhead made for this purpouse.


Get a LifeReef overflow, worth its weight in gold. Easy to start and never lost siphon yet, even with the East coast blackout.


Either suck on the hose until you get water and then quickly pinch it off and place the hose in the tank below the water line. This willl get old very quickly as I had to do it every 2 to 3 days. I finally got a rio 600 powerhead and hooked it up and this cure all my problems. Good Luck!


I have been running mine for over a year without any problems and CPR does sell a powerhead/pump with the overflows to keep the siphon going.


Active Member
just to clerify... it doesn't require a powerhead to run. Once the syphon is started, it will continue to run as long as there is water to syphon. The powerhead simply sucks the air out of the syphon chamber to start the syphon.