Need Help Alap!!! *question*


well i took everything out of my tank, to catch one of two clownfish and now EVERYTHING is out, corals, anemone, fish, 45lbs of liverock, the only thing left is sand....
well...i accidently left my heater in the tank PLUGGED and it exploded and now glass is in the sand and i dont want to put my things back in there with glass in the sand, so i was thinking about....
taking the sand out the crushed arognite and putting in play sand to make it look better and clean the old my question is....
what kind of sand is appropriate for saltwater tanks? and more importantly which kind is NOT....thanks!:yes:


Active Member
You can use southdown playsand. I don't know much about it because I don't use it, but you can do a search on here and there is a load of info on it.


well i think i did a boo boo:eek: i didnt go out and buy sand, i used some i had at home, from the pool filter, it had been setting outside for 3 months so i thought it sitting in the sun and gettin washed off by the rain would have cleansed it or whatever and my tank crashed! my anemone died of 7 months! my snails are lifeless and my crabs are running circles around the tank! my tomato and my shrimp are the only things moving, my corals are all closed, i dont know if it was the sand or the change of salinity from about .0025 to .0021, any help?


Active Member
Could be the change in salinity if you did it really fast though I would imagine that even though you washed the sand there is still a farely high concentration of chemicals (chlorine foremost) still on the sand. Can you take your fish and shrimp to a lfs or a friends house in the meantime so you maybe they can pull through with better conditions. Same goes for your corals. I don't think I'm overreacting but I think the sand was a boo boo as you put it. Good luck and keep us updated on how it goes.