Need Help Algea Problem (Pics)........



This alge started apearing about two weeks ago.
Here's what I have 29gallon tank set up for about 6 months now, standard 15 watt flourecent light live rock and regular rock, the regular rock has been in the tank since I set it up, the live rock has been in there for about 3 weeks. For fish I have 1 clown, 5 damsels, 2 hermit crabs. I added the clown and the hermit's 3 weeks ago, the damsels have been in there for about 4 months. So I'm wondering what I can do about the algea. Any help would be great!


Your pics did not get attached so nothing can be seen. You need to post all of your water parameters and at least a description of the algae (color, texture) and you will find the answer here.


nuisance algae is caused by a few things... high nitrates, phosphate, and too long of a photo period. if you overfeed, that can lead to algae. if you don't do regular water changes, are over stocked, or don't have sufficient filtration, you can have algae problems. your best bet would be to find exactly whats wrong as far as your tank perimeters go. fix that via better hospitality/maintenance, maybe add a phosban reactor, or add a sufficient sized refugium with lots of macro algae in it to absorb any extra nutrients before the nuisance algae in the tank can use it to grow.