need help asap


this cant be good
ph 8.1
nitrite 0
amonia 0
i have 2 75watt mh bulbs
the anemone has been closed up for most of the day and when it came out about 30 minutes ago it looked like this i do not have a qt tank what do i need to do


i dont think that he is upside down because he has been doing fine in the same spot for 2 weeks here is a before picture



Originally posted by Fishman830
from taht pic it looks liek tou go --- on it's back, try flipping it over and see what it looks like

That's the stomach you are looking at.
Not much one can do. As long as it is attached, its alive. Give it a day or two to see if things improve. If you have iodine suppliments, then I suggest giving the tank a normal dose of it.


thanks ill give that a try. when i checked on it this morning it looked a little better but it was still all sprawled out


Well I have alot to still learn about anemonies, I currently have 8 BTA's myself. I scan the internet constantly and try to learn something about anemonies all the time.
If it were me in your shoes right now.
I would get him out of there, my gut feeling is that yours is dying. You should know withing 24 hours. I say that because it is obvious that he is practally turning inside out. One other way you can tell is to lift him out for a few seconds and smell him, if it is dying then it will stink to high heaven.
If he has a chance at all. - If you can't get him out of the tank because you have no other place for him then get him out of the lighitng closer to the bottom of the tank perhpas in a partly shaded area. You may even want to shorten your lighting schedual for a while. It looks like he may have went from lower lighting to too much at one time.
At this point I would also have fresh carbon running and get a water change ready in case it falls apart and ruins your water quality.
I would also like to save your picture and have your perission to use it in the future.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.



Originally posted by eek
this cant be good
ph 8.1
nitrite 0
amonia 0
i have 2 75watt mh bulbs
the anemone has been closed up for most of the day and when it came out about 30 minutes ago it looked like this i do not have a qt tank what do i need to do

#1 Look at the Nitrate, you should address that first
#2 How old is your tank ( Mature tanks are critical )
#3 How long did you acclimate him...
Test your water again also to see that no other params are spiked


thomas thank you for the info. your more than welcome to keep the picture for furhter reference. i have had the bta for almost 2 weeks it opened the same night that i put it in and was doing great until last night. yesterday it was closed most of the day and when it opened up it looked like that but it didnt open until the lights went off. it looked a little better this morning but i took a picture and i plan on going to my lfs today when i get off of work i will keep you posted
thanks again


reef, my tank is only a couple of months old i probably rush into the bta but my daughter liked the idea of the nemo thing. my nitrates has been at 12.5 since the tank went through its cycle. ive done several water changes and it has never gone down. there isnt much anything in the tank
6 green chromis
1 coral banded shrimp
1 brittle star
1 sailfin tang
1 clown goby
and a whole slew of snails and crabs
i would realy hate for the tank to crash


i went to my lfs and they offered to qt it for me they also said that they will swap it out for another coral or anemone they are fairly certain that it is normal behavoir that is why they made that offer thanks again for all the help and advice


I really don't think you have adequate lighting to keep anemone's or light demanding corals. As I understand, you have 150 watts of light over a 75 gal. I hate to use the watt per gallon rule, but usually it is recommended that you have over 3 watts per gallon. You only have 2 watts per gallon, not nearly enough for an anemone. I wouldn't worry about the nitrates, just don't let them get any higher. Have you tried to feed the anemone since you bought it? I would have to disagree with your LFS, I have 3 BTA's and they have never looked like that.


yes the bta ate some mysis shrimp the other day. as for the lighting does mh make a diference