Need help ASAP


I found my keyhole angel fish laying at the bottom of the tank breathing fast & not moving
I took him out & put him in qt he went to the bottom & is still there. He came to the surface a couple times then back down looked like he tried to eat, soaked some frozen algae & pelets & myses shrimp in gauralic gaurd put it in, he didn't move. He has lost color turning white (was black) he looked fine a couple hours ago. Tested tank water its amm=0 trites=0 trates=0 ph=7.8> temp 80f salt=1.024 in display. Have 2 clowns in the dysplay & there fine. I put in Pimafix & melafix in the QT just in case the only thing I can see on him is the damaged fin. HELP :help:


He is gone, took him out & had a close look & inside his right eye at the rear there was a white spot other eye is ok(was ok), what killed him???? He was healthy when we got him,lived 3 days, could my clowns have somthing to do with it? Or is the white in his eye to blame? I took pictures but the its hard to see, looks like glare. My wife is mad :mad: I tried to save him but didn't work
He sleept in the rock & I have huge brisstle wroms, could they have done somthing?


you said that you got him 3 days ago i want to ask you did you check the SG in the bag with the fish , becuase what your explain is look like you fish was in a different salinty (big different) and he got strees and velvet and it's kill quick


I didn't check SG, I dripped him for over 3 hours he was fine till today
he was eating good yesterday & day befor, after I put him in he was ok.


the problem is even if you acclimate the fish 3 hour and your SG stay on 1.24 and in the bag where the fish come the SG can be in 1.013 he will get strees and all the sign that you describe it was a velvet and the third day he die.i am sorry for your lost but i promise to you when you buy the next fish from the same store check the SG in the bag before you put the fish in the QT and if it's big different make water change and match the SG in your tank to the bag in this case the fish will not get stress.
the reason i tell this it's because the LFS keep the SG low and each store keep in different SG. and when ppl buy fish the follow on the acclimation time but not check the different in the SG and if it's big different it will be very hard to the fish to acclimate. and in your case he get stress and after that velvet .


I agree on the SG issue as alot of stores run Hyposalinity to keep disease and other issues down, so if your LFS does run a hypo system your going to need slowly up his salinity over time I usually raise it to normal over the course of a few days.
I disagree with the diagnosis of Velvet, Velvet usually is either totally internal(in the gills) or it is forming a powder like look over the entire fish's body. But without seeing the fish and being able to do a necropsy its near impossible to give a good diagnosis, I would however watch your clowns because if it is some sort of parasite it is now in your main tank and could end up causing problems. IMO just to be safe keep a very close watch over your tank for any signs of a breakout in your other fish.


here is the sign of marine velvet or amyloodiniosis
The signs of amyloodiniosis include respiratory difficulties, loss of appetite, swimming near the surface, scratching. As the gills are usually the primary site of infection, difficulty in breathing is the most common sign and may be the only sign before death. Heavy infections may also affect the skin, fins and eyes. The common name "marine velvet" comes from heavy infestations of the skin which may have a dusty appearance.


:thinking: good tip, I will hold off adding more fish till my refractometer gets here.
The clowns came from the same store, cant remember wich tank though. Learn somthing new everyday