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the water change, I got 12 in a rubbermaid, a 5gal and 2 4gal buckets. Dont have room in the rubbermaid with the rock for the frags, should I sacrifice some rock, let it dye off and cycle it in a tub later on so I can get the coral in the bin?
depends on what is more important...either way...the frags are a gamble, the LR is a garontee.
if it were me...id be going to get more tupperware. place your nasty water in with LR, in one of your new tupperware bins..Walmart sells 35gallon rubbermaids for like $20 bucks.
.since the LR is gonna be alot more durable to the pollutants, it should be fine sitting in that nasty water you turned up.
now you have room for the frags to sit in the other bin with the SEMI deascent water.
as for your water....a garbage can(Plastic) at walmart shouldnt set you back too much...or evin another rubbermaid...i have a few of those 35gallon ones myself, and they come in handy. try to mix all your changeout wter at once and in the smae containter...not mixing it amongst several containters.
24hours at least. remember your fish and frags arrived in the mail after sitting for 2-3 days in a tiny amount of water. so you spending a day..or better yet 2days to make sure all the salt has disolved is really ok.
just keep on top of things and you should come out of this with minmal losses.