need help asap


This is only a 45G tank. IMO, it would be easier and more efficient to pick up a 10G tank and place the inverts in it and hypo the main tank.


Active Member
ya but if he gets the 20 at least hell have anice qt that he could put a nice fish maybe a dwarf down the line agree with the inverts but i think he has live rock tis why i suggested what i did


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381242/need-help-asap#post_3319807
Fresh water dip the tang and bring it back to the fish store for trade, or just let them take it.
As for your tank without the Hippo Tang, it is still going to have ich in it. Once a tank is exposed to ich, if left untreated, it's there and won't go away. Sure, healthy fish can fight it off and you may not see it, but it will still be there.
My suggestion is to remove the tang and inverts and run hypo salinity on your tank. Try to get store credit for the tang and inverts, this way after you perform hypo on your tank and kill the ich parasite, you can buy new inverts for the tank again.
In the future, do more research before you make a purchase. Smartorl is correct in their statements, doesn't matter how big or small the fish is, 45G is just not enough for a hippo tang.
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
This is only a 45G tank. IMO, it would be easier and more efficient to pick up a 10G tank and place the inverts in it and hypo the main tank.
+1. BTLDreef, I think you have said it perfectly.


Staff member
Is this a new fish addition to your tank? Have you confirmed ich? Is your tank fish-only or does it have live rock? What other fish are in the tank? What inverts are in the tank?
No coral?

scott t

Active Member
I have to say that I love tangs also, but I have done my research as all new people to the hobby should.. If you go on any site that sells SWF they will give you the recommended size of a tank for any fish. A 45 gal tank is a far cry from a 100 gal which the tang needs. I agree with all of the above, show the fish some mercy and take it back to the LFS and trade it in. When you can afford a 100 gal tank then go get another Hippo tang. I am already second guessing myself on setting up the 55 gal tank I have and going with a bigger tank because I want fish that will just not work in the 55 gal. If I do that I will save the 55 gal and set it up at a later time with fish that will work in it. My suggestion to you is to take the fish back to the store do some more research and rethink the fish that you want to have in the 45 gal tank. There are some beautiful fish that will work in the current 45 that you have.
Just my .02


Staff member
Actually for a single yellow tang, it should be in a 125-150. This would be min., in my book. Any thing else, and you are really confining the fish's natural instinct to sprint-swim.


Active Member
hippo needs 135+ to thrive dory once stated "Just keep swimming just keep swimming thats what we do we swim.... swim I love to swim hey i love to swim.... swim." i think the peole who made the movie were trying to say they need a big tank.............


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/381242/need-help-asap/20#post_3320178
hippo needs 135+ to thrive dory once stated "Just keep swimming just keep swimming thats what we do we swim.... swim I love to swim hey i love to swim.... swim." i think the peole who made the movie were trying to say they need a big tank.............

It depends on the size, you can keep them for some time in a smaller tank. I have one in my 90g..I think he is about 4 or 5 years old now. He isn't too big yet but pretty soon. he was in my 55g and my 75g as well. I got it when it was the size of my pinky finger nail...really tiny.
Oh and I set up my rock in the center of the tank so he can swim around and not just back and forth in the front. so he has 8 foot of swim space not 4. My tank is 48 inches.


Staff member
Yes, hippo would be the same as YT. Yes, you can keep a juvinile for a short period in a smaller tank, but then plan on an upgrade soon.