Need help before ordering my glass

doni o'neal

New Member
I am building a 150 gallon tank.I have been looking at filtration systems. This gets a little confusing I am more interested in quality than price.Is the ecosystem what I would need.I am planning on a reef tank.My tank is in a wall and visible from front and back the sides won't be visible but I have room on the sides to run hoses I prefer to not see anything but aquarium.Could I have one that hangs off the side and hide it somehow?This is my first tank ,I was remodeling and had a 24" deep wall that divides two living areas and said this would be cool to have an aquarium here so thats what Im doing.If I get the ecosystem (is that the one with the plastic balls in it?)does any one know the size to drill my holes ?What is the best silicone to build this out of.It will be made of glass.I will have lots of access below tank.

doni o'neal

New Member
Not to sound stupid but I am when it comes to this stuff What are fuges?I am a bit confused on filtration systems,is that what a sump is? I have spent hours reading forums, I have learned alot though,but still confused on what I need and how to set it up.I am going to purchase book and read up more on it.What is the most common filtration system for 150 gal. reef tanks.How many tubes do I need ? 1 to get the water to the filtration system and another 1 to return it???Thats a good idea though I think I saw a big aquarium that had those I wonder if I could find some clear from a plastic supply place? Thanks for helping out a newbee

doni o'neal

New Member
Is this your main filtration system I guess .Where do you get plans for this? I noticed you didnt have live rock ,could that help out some.