Need Help Calculating the Volume of New Tank!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer24/7
well iam only telling you the truth, what can i say
you can prove your answer mathematically.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Hhhm... Dogstar, your answer was only 1.7 gallons over my Husband's calculation....
Like I said, I dont know the exact angle of degree of the sides but so I just went with 90 degrees but the numbers dont lie. Now to be perfect you need to measure the inside of the tank and have the angle correct. :thinking:
Dont argue with the Hubby....


Active Member
Originally Posted by BigB
You can't put the two ends together like that dogstar, the angle isn't 90 degrees so it wouldn't be a square.
Did you see my post # 4.....

my way

Active Member
You could fill it with packing peanuts or popcorn the dump them it 5 gallon buckets to get a rough idea. And I don't think your landlord would know the difference of 5 gallons either way. Or look up tank manufacturers on the net and see if they have demensions for their tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Like I said, I dont know the exact angle of degree of the sides but so I just went with 90 degrees but the numbers dont lie. Now to be perfect you need to measure the inside of the tank and have the angle correct. :thinking:
Dont argue with the Hubby....

LoL, didn't plan on it

He's the one who told me to post it here, b/c he got really confuzzled in the middle and doesn't know if he got the answer he was supposed to. LoL


Active Member
Take the tank as a whole 30 x 21 x 18 = 49.09 gals. Then each missing triangle is 9 x 5 x 21 divided by 2 = 2.05 gals. 4 missing triangles 4 x 2.05 = 8.18. so 49.09 - 8.18 = 40.9 gals?
Does that work? My math maybe wrong.


Yes I saw post #4 but then you went and diagramed it like a square.
using The cosine rule the large angle between the two 10" sides would be 128 and then the other two would be 26 each. I don't really think the angle size is relevant in the calculation tho.
wtf are we doing math for on a friday night?


It's a 40 gallon stretch hex go to Oceanicsystems dot com and it is there same measurements. Sorry to the math wizards I took the comman sense approach.


Originally Posted by Harndog
It's a 40 gallon stretch hex go to Oceanicsystems dot com and it is there same measurements. Sorry to the math wizards I took the comman sense approach.
well at least I exercised my brain a little today.


Actually turningtim was super close I think his formula may actually be right but Oceanic may just call it a 40. Also Mimzy your husband was right per your post you owe him a Night out.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by BigB
Yes I saw post #4 but then you went and diagramed it like a square.
using The cosine rule the large angle between the two 10" sides would be 128 and then the other two would be 31 each. I don't really think the angle size is relevant in the calculation tho.
wtf are we doing math for on a friday night?
No offense to you but being mathmatically challenged this is what I translated from your post Waah-Waah-Wah-Waaah-Wah-Waah-Wah :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Take the tank as a whole 30 x 21 x 18 = 49.09 gals. Then each missing triangle is 9 x 5 x 21 divided by 2 = 2.05 gals. 4 missing triangles 4 x 2.05 = 8.18. so 49.09 - 8.18 = 40.9 gals?
Does that work? My math maybe wrong.
he's right but i just call it 35 my math must not be that good, u r a big help around here turning tim and i appreciate that big time, not only for myself but for the others as well