need help choosing corals


Active Member
I want to add a few more corals to my 45g tank (set up about 1-1/2 yrs) and am looking for a little advice. I have a 96w pc smartlte and a single 20w actinic bulb for lighting. I started adding corals slowly about six months ago or so. All my corals are doing very well and growing quickly. The corals i currently have are: -a toadstool frag -brown harry shrooms
-flo green shrooms
-green stripped srooms
-baby colt
My water perams are good, pH=8.2,alk=3.2meq/l, NH3=0, NO2=0, NO3=5ppm, ca=420mg/l.
Here is a small list of some corals i am interested in. I know all of them probably won't work with my limited lighting, but just wanted to get some opinions on what will and what will not work.
-open brain (green)
-open brain (red)
-yellow polyps
-xenia (not sure what kind yet)
-doughnut coral
-white bubble coral
I have read books and browsed web sites but i run into alot of conflicting info on amount of light thats needed for a particular species. I trust the opinions of alot of you on this site, so i figured i would post this question instead of just going out and buying corals that my not work in my set up.
FYI,i just upgraded my lighting (somewhat) from 55w of NO lighting, so i really am not interested in adding any more light at this time. I may add another 96w fixture in the next year or so though.


I know the yellow polyp and the xenia would be fine and I've heard open brains do not like strong light, but you might want to confirm that. You can do alot with soft corals!! I have not ventured into hard corals because my tank looks amazing(to me ;) ) and I'm out of room. Colts and finger leathers give you that desired coral tree look, they just shrivel up at night. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I went to your web page, you have an awsome tank man!! :D Your updated pics look great! What is that white star polyp looking coral you have? Seems to have really spread in your updated pics. Keep up the good work! BTW, thanks for your advise, every little bit helps. :) I plan to add mostly soft corals, just wanted to see what, if any hard corals would be possable.


I'm also "new" to the coral scene, but so far, have caulastrea furcata (candycane), xenia elongata (going nuts, cool to watch) and some Ricordea. All are doing very well under 220w PC and 40w NO in a 75 gallon tank.