Need help clowns dying along with tang and damsel, not sure what it could be


First I want to thank anyone in advance for any help they could offer.
I have two percula clownfish that look like they're dying. They have a whitish film on them and their fins look like they're falling off. The damsel is suffering similiar symtoms and the yellow tang has little scales around his eye.
Last week my porculpine puffer had what I thought was ich but then became cotton eye and wasn't reacting to kick ich medicne, 2 days ago I purchased a 10 gallon hosptial tank and have been giving him penicillin per the directions on the package by aquaticure
Should I put the clowns and the others in this tank as well ...
I have been doing 1 gallon water changes each day on this hospital tank.
My regular tank is 7 weeks old 65 gallon with the fish neamed above and a dragon goby who I think is on his way out as well.
Nitrite .5
nitrate 30
amonia 0
salt 1.019 to 1.020
ph 8.2 (was 8.0 yesterday but I fixed it)


New Member
Hard to say what's really going on, but here is what I would do... First, NitrItes should be zero(0), always. Your NitrAtes could be lower but at 30, they shouldn't be causing you any issues. Your salt appears to be pretty low, get it up to 1.022-1.024, I've even had mine at 1.026 without problems. Remember to raise your pH slowly. Your 65gal tank is still young and you maybe still going through the cycling process, especially if you add fish too early. As far as your hospital tank goes, how are those chemicals? I've had good luck with Mela-Fix for cloudy eye. Make sure you can use Mela-Fix on the porcupine before using it. Good Luck.


Staff member
I'm afraid you have really overloaded a new tank. Start doing water changes on the tank with aged water.
Take a look at the clowns in the Diseased Fish Thread located at the top of this forum that have brooklynella. I believe this is what your clowns may be suffering from. The treatment is formalin baths. You must act quickly or the fish will die. The treatment is detailed in the FAQ Thread. You have to follow those directions exactly.
If one fish have ich, then all will have it. What type of tank do you have? Do you have live rock? Please also take a look at the post on ich in the FAQ Thread.


thanks for the replies ... the pencillin is working awesome on the porcupine puffer, he want from barely moving and very cloudy eye's to moving around as usual and the eye's have cleared up at least 80%
I made a big mistake after I posted my first message, i put one of the clowns into the hospital tank and 15 minutes later he was gone ... the puffer decided to have an early breakfast
I was so mad at myself all day for putting that poor clown fish in danger ...
Anyway, I finally have a protein skimmer hooked up to my tank as of tonight and I am now down to only 5 fish
1 percula clown (kinda small)
2 damsels (small)
1 yellow tang (on the small side)
1 puffer still in the hospital tank


Staff member
The puffer may very welll decide to eat the other small fish at some point. You really can not mix aggressive fish with small reef fish.