Need help, dead powder brown...



what should I do treat the tank or try a few cleaner shrimp.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/384618/need-help-dead-powder-brown/20#post_3370189
what should I do treat the tank or try a few cleaner shrimp.
Cleaner shrimp will never get rid of the parasites. They may eat some but won't cure a tank. I wouldn't do anything to it right now unless it becomes a problem. I would go through the first link that was posted in this thread if you're looking for ways to treat Ich. Treatment is best done in a quarantine tank. Reef safe medications are very dangerous so don't let their labels fool you. Give it time and see what happens.
I do see some little white spots on the clown fish in your picture but I can't just looks like sand particles or something. Just monitor and read up on treatment.


Now I cant find my fang blenny, Im getting my quarantine tank up and running now. Its hard to catch them.

tangs rule

Active Member
Sorry for your losses. Remember ANY lifeform from ANY other tank can bring ich or velvet into your DT....No inverts do not "carry" ich and inverts lack the red blood that ich & velvet must have to survive and continue the life cycle - but it only takes ONE DROP of contaminated water from another tank to bring a nightmare into your tank - and when that drop of water brings the parasite to your tank - it's feeding&breeting time.
I imagine if you added the anemone within the last 2-3 weeks - that is your source of the breakout...Yes tangs are very susceptable to all skin parasites - but the parasite MUST BE IN YOUR TANK 1st....stress alone cannot "give" a fish ich. - while a "unstressed" tang will get ich just as fast as one that is stressed....
when you have a parasite that multilpies 256 times, everytime each one multiplies, you can have over a million of them in your tank within 10days, and before then, no fish left.
I suggest Qtine & teratment for your remaining fish immediately, but it sounds like your strating that process. Be prepared to treat the parasite with copper, hypo, or both. Also remember if the parasite is marine velvet - hypo does no good.

tangs rule

Active Member
The edit function on this silly site is broke - again
i was going to add - now will be a good time to add anything (but fish) to your DT...If u want more shrimps/stars/critters - now is a great time, as your fish will require 4-6 weeks to cure of the parasite, and by then, the tank will have had enough "fallow" time to allow any new parasites to die off too.


I just put up my 10 gal tank and put a damsil, THC, Prime to help the biological filter get started. Will it be ok to add a yellow tang, blue triger,a clown and royal grama in my ten gallon tank for a few weeks or will that over load the QT tank with me just setting it up with all new water lastnight.


I only seen a few spots on my powder brown tang. I realy havent seen any spots on any other fish the blenny just disapered. This morning my yellow tang was just a little pale. and has a spot on his lip, my triger has a spot over his eye thats all I seen on any of them.


Well I took all the fresh water I put in my QT tank last night and filled it back up with some water out of a 2nd 55gal I have. The 55(non reef) tank has been going for 7 months with a few damsels in it. Im sure the biological filer and water should be ok in my QT tank. I did take out the blue trigger and added him to the QT tank with copper. Going to keep close eye on other fish if I see anything on them all add them to the QT tank.

tangs rule

Active Member
Keep a very close eye on them - sounds like you have a good handle on it though. If you have a little airpump&stone - it does help to aireate the Qtine tank a little to help keep the dissolved O2 levels up - copper and higher temp both deplete O2 levels, making it harder for a fish to get proper oxygen. Keep a close eye on the breathing rate of fish in Qtine and ones still in DT. Fast respiration is a pretty good indicator of stress. keep posting updates - I need a happy ending to someones Qtine efforts.


Well got home from atlanta today (lord I hate that city) Ok the trigger is looking good in the QT tank don't see no spots on all my fish. Maybe it was'nt ick. But I can't find my blenny anyweres I have lost 2 fish less then a few days.

tangs rule

Active Member
Those spots look kinda big to be not sayin it is not - but usually the salt size "zits" or "specs" cover the body and do not concentrate on a spot on the body.


Well after a week with the yelllow tang, and trigger in the QT tank I took them out today and put them in my other 55 with nothing in it but a few rocks and a damsel. They all looking good for now lets see how it works out.