need help fast bta



i was looking at it and theres a hole in the foot of the bta looks like somthing is eaying it plz help


New Member
Any tear or hole will likely result in infection and possibly loss--Could you elaborate a little (i.e. how long have you had it, lighting, feeding schedule) and I'll try to give a little better advice).
Also how does it appear now--open, closed, mouth open/closed...sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...keep us updated


Any tear or hole will likely result in infection and possibly loss--Could you elaborate a little (i.e. how long have you had it, lighting, feeding schedule) and I'll try to give a little better advice).
Also how does it appear now--open, closed, mouth open/closed...sometimes the best thing to do is nothing...keep us updated

its doing good its open full of colore....i have mh lighting 24g 150w 14000k......just got it 3days ago im going to try to feed it tomor when i get home form school its a hole in the bta i will try to get a pix tomor ................................ go to ReeF tank i post som pixs....................................................can i put like a KENT in or somthing????? thank you Schlechter


Active Member
My BTA had a tear in his foot and my hermits and shrimp would munch on him at night. May need to seperate him from the other tank mates till he heals. :thinking:
Consider returning him also. :thinking:


New Member
Its possible the tear is from another animal in the tank and could be made worse---MH lights are often too much for BTAs--usually they prefer PCs although nothing is set in stone. If you notice it never fully opening, I would change out the lights (unless you have other things in there that need it)
I would seriously consider returning him...anemones with tears, which I know I already mentioned, *usually* don't ever heal up...


when i got home form school i gave the bta some food it took it fast hes still open


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schlechter
Its possible the tear is from another animal in the tank and could be made worse---MH lights are often too much for BTAs--usually they prefer PCs although nothing is set in stone. If you notice it never fully opening, I would change out the lights (unless you have other things in there that need it)
I would seriously consider returning him...anemones with tears, which I know I already mentioned, *usually* don't ever heal up...
Are you sure about the pc lighting? First time I heard anenomes prefer it over MH :notsure: I have mine under T5's, wouldn't do pc unless it was some real strong pc though.