Need Help Fast sailfin is sick

ok well i have a 125 gallon mixed reef and a sailfin tang and also a yellow tang so iv had an algae problem lately so last nite i did a 10 gallon watter change could salinity be the problem if so it wasnt that low but ive been trying to raise it also all chemicals test fine and there is nothing fysically wrong that i can see it just sits near/on the bottum and doesnt move gills are acting normal. what is wrone with my sailfin tang?


Staff member
Post your water readings. Did this fish just start acting this way suddenly? How good is your water circulation?
Salinity:it was really low-1.020 so i raised it and it is fairly good now
Good curculation
started earyl this morning and i just notices a small line of air bubbes on his tail. help what do i do?


Active Member
Has something recently died in the tank or why do you have ammonia in there? Also could you re-post your pH, it should be between 8.2 and 8.4. Also what is the temp in the tank? How long have you had the Sailfin?


A sudden drop in the SG and then quickly raising it back up will cause a fair amount of stress to your fish. How are you raising it? What are you using to measure the SG?