Need help fast!


New Member
Hi there,
Could you please help, i don't know if anybody read my last post, but here's another one!
My Nitrate 10
My Nitrite 0.25
My salt 0.018
My ph 8.2
My ammonia 0.50
I think this is all maybe wrong, if it is could you please tell what and how to mend these!
I've got a 20gal tank, my filter is a fluval 2 plus, my heater is 100watt, my bulb is a 25w, i'm using sand on the bottom and got a few rocks in and a living rock, please help me i just can't seem to get it right my tank has been set up for about a week!!


:notsure: I cant help u on all of it but ur salt should be around 0.024 - 0.025 ur tank is brand new and it still is cycleing but you need to get ur salt around that range it will help....


Sounds like you are starting to cycle. It also sounds like maybe you used tap watet to cycle with. The ammonia is only just starting to spike. The ammonia and nitrites will only get worse before they get better. A normal cycle will take about 45 days more or less with the nitrite cycle taking the longest to get over.
No livestock at the present I hope?
Bump your salinity up to 1.025


Yeah, leave it. A cycle can take 6-8 weeks to finish. After that, then you can add fishies and whatever else you were going to put in there.