need help fast


all my snails are dead and my emerald crabs are laying and there backs and dont know what happened all my water perimeters are as follows ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.0 salinity 1.023 please help :help: :confused:


no the only thing i use in the tank is ph buffer but i hope to stop useing that when i start mixing my on salt water.


dont forget that ur SG of 1.023 needs to be temperature compensated. could that be the problem?
how old is the tank? is it cycling? is ur test kit accurate? did u recently have anything die like a cucumber or other animal which could be leaching a poison into the water? there's lots of possibilities, so could you list all the parameters, tank specs and history?


ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.0 salinity 1.023 please help i have a hydrometer and i tested it then took a sample to my lfs and it check out the some.the tank is 3mths old i cycled it 5 weeks useing lr only the snails have been in there since the tank cycled.i did a big water change and now my emerald crabs are doing better my temp stays at i dont know why the snails dead.


Active Member
Did your snails die all at once at the same time? or have they been slowly dieing? With a temp at 80 your SG needs to be 1.025, 1.023 is a bit low. obviously that wouldn't cause sudden death to a snail but long term it is not good.
If they did all start dieing at once and acting strange, then a large water change helped, then I would wonder if a toxic substance got into the water. Like windex or a cleaning subastance, even mist or fumes can be detrimental.


Birdy yes the snails dead all at once when i left yesterday they where fine and when i got back from my lfs the where all dead.sw65galma all i had in my tank was the snails and crabsand yes its in my 12g nano thats all i have for now.thats see i went to my lfs yesterday and got 2 clowns and i was going home to acclimate (hope thats spelled right:) ) and thats when it hit the i called a buddy that has swf and talked to him and he said something must have gotten in the water and to do a water change and i also posted this on here just in case that did not work.he also said that i should not feed frozen foods.he told me he killed two tanks of fish because the food went today i went and got some flake food the same stuff he uses in his tank.if anyone knows how long frozen food is good for please let me know.oh my new clowns are fine but now i need some more snails.


Active Member
Here's the only things I can think of:
whats your water temp?
Could your heater gone bezzerk? A/c in the house fail?
Power Failure during the day?
Or maybe it went too cold?
Not enough Oxygen..
Idiodine or cooper in the water?
I'd almost bet it's environmental.
I'd keep an eye on it before adding anything.


if the crabs are doing better after the water change, something got into ur water. small tanks (like a 12) are impacted a LOT more seriously by even the little things. Thats why bigger tanks are more stable. was anyone house cleaning in the recent past? like birdy said, even mist can be detrimental.
I would suggest keeping on with the water changes. i would also test ur test kit against a known sample to make sure it isnt stale. also, swing arms can go bad. maybe ur salinity is off. have ur LFS check with a refractometer if you dont have access to one.
good luck :yes:


i would take your water to a lfs and have it tested for EVERYTHING (amm, nitrite/ate, phosphate, calcium, ... and whatever other test kits they might have). that might narrow it down. maybe too much calcium? maybe someone poured a glass of chlorinated tap water? (my dad did that to my fw tank a few years back) try to think of everything you can... did you add any chemicals that day, or the day before? i bet if you did, that could be the problem... well, i cant think of a whole lot more, i hope you find out what happend. good luck!