Need help fast!!!!


My wife did a boo boo!!! I have been raving how my water params have been at zero now for a while well a week anyway, so with her being clueless to this hobby she thought she would be nice and buy me a fish.....longhorn butterfly!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!
I guess lfs talked her into it saying this was a easy fish....yeh right!!!!!
Well anyway he is floating right now, looks to be doing well, I need to know how long and at what rate to acclimate him. LFS did feed some brine in front of her and appareently he ate real good, beatiful fish but i was not ready for this. My wife feels real bad and I know that she is going to feel even worse if I lose him.


acclimate like all others...every 15 minutes take some water out and add same amount of tank water. After 1-1.5 hours take him out and put him in the tank. Or take him back to the lfs.


That is what I have been doing and he seems to be doing well so far it has been just about two hours I am going to go smoke a cigg and put him in


all is well so far I am going to keep him. I fed him a couple hours after he was first introduced to the tank and again he ate well.
He is a beatiful swimmer, he kind of glides in the current swims upside down sideways, etc. very interesting. I like it when he perks his fins pretty wild! Sorry if this is normal for some of the more expierenced but all I ever had was fw and dont get me wrong i love those guys too but this is so much more unique, and interesting.
I was hoping for more replys to my post, but all is going well I feel pretty cofident everything will go smooth. I understand the advice about taking him back as this was not expected but that is really hard to do and as we would not get our money back I am going to go for it. So I guess wish me luck and like I said if anybody knows anything inpaticular about this species of fish please share insight with me.


i am not sure about that one (store credit) but I like him and the only thing I see negative is he will kill corals:( I havent really had any plans for corals anyway. So far he is eating really good, and is not bashful and is swimming all through the rock work scavenging about. I think he niped at my little feather duster as it is usally always out havent seen him yet today:(
I am curious why people witht the opinion to take him back have that opinion other then the fact that in the beginning of this post I was really worried and didnt know anything about this fish. I have done some reading up on this fish and I have read many success stories as well as they are fairly hardy, like I said the only negative is he would reek havoc on a reef tank, they are prone to problems with ich(so do tangs) and also they have been known to pick at inverterbrates, not too sure on that one though, heard both sides of the coin for that. Was recommended not too get a huge clean up crew which I wasnt going to anyway, maybe some scarlets and turbos and a shrimp or too.


Hope he lives for you! Beautiful fish! I don't think I could have parted with him either unless it was a sure thing that he would die. So, Best of luck!
Looking up,


Hey thanks, will keep updated.
Would anyone know of a vegetable matter that would be good for him? Being that my rock doesnt have the most growth, i was wondering if thier was a substitute for algae? He eats the brine like theres no tomorrow. But I was told they like agae plants and I really dont have any casue my tank is new, maybe some lettuce?