Need Help Finding Cause of Death


I just found my coral beauty dead...really sad, it was such a beautiful one. I have checked nitrates, nitrites, ph, and ammonia. All are in normal range, and what they have been for weeks now. Salinity is high, 1.025, the water level has gotten lower than I generally keep it. Would that account for the death of this fish? I sat and watched them yesterday for a few minutes and he was fine and ate well. I added a percula clown and a lawnmower blenny over 2 weeks ago, but I have never seen them bother the coral beauty. The tank has been up and running for 5 months now.


Active Member
Your salinity is right on at 1.025, how are you measuring it?
I hate to say it this way, but sometimes fish just die and there is never a known reason.


I just have the cheap hygrometer that the lfs sold me... I am leaving on vacation next week and want to make sure that everything is in best shape possible before I go.


Active Member
Could have been a lot of things. Internal damage or even poisoning during capture. Damaging levels of copper encountered in some holding tank prior to you purchasing him and the list could go on.
Allowing salinity to slowly rise to 1.025 through evaporation loss most likely was not it. If you rapidly brought it down by topping off a lot of fresh water all at once it could have been a problem.
If your other levels have been stable and the other fish in the system are doing well, I wouldn't assume all, if any of the blame. In fact I think its high time we at the hobbyist level stopped pointing the finger at ourselves and started demanding some more responsible handling of these fish at the capture holding and retail level.
Money talks; so in reality we at the hobbyist level have total control over the situation. Unfortunately there is a steady influx of new comers to the hobby who are easily convinced that it is there systems that lead to the demise of these fish. In reality its safe to bet that 50 percent if not more of the species bought at retail outlets are doomed from type of mishandling by people in the industry that should know better.


Thanks, that is something that I had not thought of. I usually top off a half a gallon at a time.