Need help for a light question...please read


Please help....I have a 75 gallon with live rock, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to what kind of lights to use in my tank. I heard that florecent lights are a waste of money and they don't help your live rock grow much. I heard that haloide lights are the best lighting sorce but expensive and put off alot of heat which requires a fan.
I'm also confused about, do I need to worry about the Watts or the Lumines that each bulb has.
I want my rock to grow purple and I've used purple up but nothing has happend. Could it be my lights. I have 48" florecent light 2 bulbs- blue and white 40 each watt. Is this the correct lighting I should have for this tank? It does not sound like it....Please help me figure this out...thanks for all of your help everyone!


yes I would like to start a reef tank in one of my tanks.....but the other tank is just basic. I need help on both tanks. thanks so much.


it is high output fluroscent lighting and is the next best thing to meatl hialides but some people will agrue if you give me your email ill show you the lights im buying its a good deal.