Need Help Getting Started


New Member
I have a 20 gallon tank, that is freash water and want to make it a salt water. What do I need to get started. Also what kind of fish, invertebrates, live rock, and coral can I have.
Thank You
Youll need alot of cash :D :D Some Live sand,Live Rock and some R.O. Water and alot of patience a good Protien skimmer and Lighting (wont say what type because youll see there are many,many different opinons on this subject ;) ;) )And youve alredy done the most important thing ! That is joining this board and asking for help. The Sharks here are great along with everyone else.
Goodluck. :)
Besides alot of reading find people that already have set ups your looking for, they can tell you from experience what can work v.s. what you or someone else read in a book.
I think you should think about if you are going to keep a 20gal tank or not. This hobby is so addictive and even more expensive you have to plan everything out before you make your first purchase, because once you get into it you'll find that you need bigger tanks to do different things and you don't want to be stuck with equipment for a 20gal and decide to get a 100gal.