Need help identifying sickness... anyone?


i posted earlier that my coral beauty had ich but, as i look closer the patches of white seem to be a little more fuzzy... like fungus, but he had some on his fin, and today the part where the white was on the fin is gone and theres a slit in the fin where it was. there isnt any infalmation around the fin and no other fins are affected... so i wouldnt guess fin rot cause that usually starts at the end of the fin and work its way in, where this was a white substance in the middle and now that part of the fin is gone... which again makes me think fungus, cause fungus eats away at tissue. again there are also a few irregular shaped patches of white that look kinda fuzzy along with some more solid white dots that also seem fuzzy... as i said im thinking fungus so ive used Kordon rid-fungus, because it treats for both fungus and ich as well as other protozoans... and its all natural so i figured it couldnt hurt to try. he hasnt shown any signs of sickness like scratching or heavy breathing or loss of appetite... hes always grazing and eating when i put food in... its been on him for 3-4 days... any ideas? thanks


Look up lymphocystis in the disease forum....if the spot are could be also need no meds


yea i thought it might be that... but the white spots im seeing dont really resemble those because the spots that are on my CB are kinda traslucent almost not really nodular and solid white like in the lympho...


you can see the two spots on the lateral line and two spots about the gill and in the middle of the fin, that is where the hold in the fin is now.


Staff member
Use a magnifying glass and look at those closely. It may be Head and Lateral Line Erosion. If the spots are actually more like something attached, irregular shaped, then it is likely lymphocyctis.


Originally Posted by Beth
Use a magnifying glass and look at those closely. It may be Head and Lateral Line Erosion. If the spots are actually more like something attached, irregular shaped, then it is likely lymphocyctis.


well the clown in my tank is completely unaffected by anything... so after doing three treatments of the kordon rid fungus... i just thought forget it its makin the tank look horrible... did a 40% water change and put all my carbon back in the filters and am just gonna let nature take its course at this point... i cant figure out wut the problem is neither cna any one else... well see what happends


OK...IDK what you are feeding ...get some Selcon, garlic extreme, vitachem....these are vitamins to soak your food in...try frozen mysis, and they have a frozen mega marine angel......
You need to improve the fish's health, and maybe it can fight off whatever it has....


im feeding frozen brine with spirulina algae in it... says its good for dwarf angels... but ill try some of those... thanks


I hate to say it but what you are feeding...I refer to as snack food...LOL...I even read somewhere where someone compared it to a potato chip....:)
I use brine and spirulina, but along with much better food and also soaked in in many vitamins


hm well whats a good staple food to feed them? like i found some flakes that made of spirulina algae have garlic in them and have multi vitamins put in... would that be any good?


Flakes (IN MY OPINION) are also 'snack"
I have flakes, pellets, brine, I am not saying to toss it..I am saying you need a more nutritious MAIN meal...


i bought mysis too, that vitamin enriched... but he doesnt seem to be eating.. dunno if hell make it through the night, i doubt it, calssic signs of fish about to die... well thats a wrasse and a CB ive lost... 50 bucks down the pooper


Mysis is a good food, but you should add selcon, vitachem, garlic extreme
there are many others
Sorry to hear it looks like it is going downhill....Can you post your wate rparameters? Maybe a full tank shot too? any other info you have on the tank


i checked params this after noon... ammonia 0, nitrate 0-10, nitrite 0, sg 1.0235, ph 8.2... well heres the time line...
after the tank was cycled i added the clown and two damsels
one damsel killed the other so i took the live one back and traded him in toward a six line... it died in two days... dunno why it was just struggling flat on its side two days after i bought it then died... left the tank empty untill i had to move it... so i moved it to my new house with me filled it up let it run for two days got the params where i wanted them... then put the clown in... two days later put the coral beauty in... it was doing fine for a week till three days ago noticed some white stuff on him, tried medicating didnt like where that was going so did the water change and now im here waiting for the poor guy to pass... all the while ive been using 10 lbs of live rock and aragonite sand... the clown has been perfectly happy and healthy since i got him about a month ago... hes very active especially when i come to the glass... and he ALWAYS eats... but i just cant seem to get anything else into the tank lol... any suggestions on hardy fish/ inverts that might help the tank establish itself better i have no idea...


no like i said i had to move the tank and i didnt want too much in it to move, and its only been setup for a week and half at this point, im going to a huge fish store in richmond virginia next weekend... what would you suggest?