Need help identifying something


New Member
I don't know if this is the right section in the forum for this. I came home tonight after the lights were out in my aquarium. I noticed some things that looked like wigworms or mosquito larvae(the wiggly things in the water) these things in my aquarium are a white or cream color and there were about 20-30 of them in the aquarium.. wiggling up and down. The other fish didn't seem to mind them. I don't know how to make my picture smaller than 500 x 500 or I would post a picture.


Staff member
I am assuming you have a tank with live rock?
While I can't really ID what you are seeing, I can say that it is not a disease. Likely just reef fauna, perfectly harmless and desirable.
If you use your Windows Paint program, you should be able to resize your picture to 500x500 pixils.


New Member
I have live rock. I apologize for my lack of information as I am more of just a reader on the board than a "participator". Anyway..


New Member
Sorry about the quality of the picture.. that is the best I could do at the moment. thanks for the help and info.


Active Member
Most likely these are only pods (short for copepods), which are desirable.
However, another possibility would be flatworms. It is hard to tell with your picture.
Do a search for these possibilities and you should be able to match your critters to other people's pictures.


New Member
My actual picture is a lot better quality than what I got put on here... also, these things are about or maybe a bit longer than a quarter of an inch and are shaped like a in round and not flat.. if that mean anything. but again... thanks for the help and info.