Need help identifying this fish


New Member
See attached pics - Is this fish a scooter blenny or a goby??? I've google searched it but I've seen it called both.

looks like a sailfin blenny***********.com/images/products/large/p_71848.jpg


Active Member
Hard to even see the fish but from the star pattern I would say a Synchiropus stellatus ( Starry Dragonett ) like a scooter blenny.


Look at the top of the fish's eyes if he has little eyebrow looking things hes a blenny if not hes a goby. I can't tell from your two pictures


Active Member
That is a scooter blenny... but it is not a true blenny. Scooter Blenny's are actually Dragonets. Dragonet's are difficult to keep because they typically do not take prepared foods. They will feed on the pod population of the tank but not all tanks have a pod population that will support them so they often end up staving to death. The scooter is one of the easier Dragonets to convert to prepared foods but you need to watch him closely to be sure it is eating.
How old is your tank?? How much live rock do you have??


Active Member
You have two of what?? The first post or the second post... because those are two different fish??
The sailfin blenny is a blenny, the scooter blenny is a Dragonet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by michellej
Two of the first one. most people say they are ugly but I dont think so.
Then you have Dragonet's...


Member I am a scooter blenny a type of dragonet? When I bought them online they were bought as scooter blennies.


Active Member
They are commonly called "scooter blennies" just as mandarins are commonly called "mandarin gobies" but both are properly called dragonettes.


New Member
Thanks for all of the responses. I'm keeping it in a 55 gallon tank with about 70 lbs of LR.
I've had this tank set up for about 6 months now.
Thanks again for the id.