need help in sump/fuge


Active Member
What is the total "Goal Flow" for the tank (10x 15x 20x 25x more....?)
Do you want all of the flow to come from sump return or do you plan on using supplemental powerheads or closed loop system for additional coverage and/or current switching devises...?


well i have power heads but i want al little of stuff in my tank so if i could have just one or two pipes coming from my sump than all i want is that. basically all i want is a overflow box and some pipes from my sump thats it for equipment. so yes only from my sump. also i dont understand the 10x etc..?


Active Member
That's a 1000 gph HOB overflow so you could get a good bit going from your sump...
The 10x, 20x, etc...refers to "Turn over" in your tank..
You will need to decide what "Turnover Rate" you want depending on the "Type" of tank and the inhabitants you are keeping...
Reef or Fish only...Softies or SPS in reef or... Seahorses and Boxfish or Tangs and Groupers in FO...
The "Goal Flow" is what would be appropriate for the inhabitants...
You don't want/need too much for slower moving fish/softies..and can use a bit more for SPS or "swimming" fish like Tangs, Wrasses. or groupers...
So ...What "type" of tank are you setting up...?


well i have a yellow tang, 4 damsels and a clown, and a cleaner shrimp. not i will get rid of the clown and damsels and will get 2 new clowns and all i want is a good flow. because the only fish i will get will be the yellow tang i will keep 2 clowns maybe a damsels and maybe but i dought it a blue hippo tang. and i will consintrate on only annenemoes, spunges, umushroms u know all beutiful thing. so i need a good flow but nmot cray. also i need to know the pump i need.


Active Member
Something like a Mag 12 with 1" line - 4' head with 3 - 90* elbows to tank would give you 940 gph (a "safe" number for that overflow)
and about 17X turnover...Add a spreader bar or multiple outlets and it'll drop slightly...
A Mag 9.5 at same, would give 745 gph or 13X and again a bit of a drop if you "Spread" or distribute the flow..
Softies / Fish the 9.5 would be adaquate...The 12 would give you more options for flow distribution layout...


what is a spreader bar? also do u have pics or something for example of the piping becaUSE I WILL NEED TO KNOW WHAT SO I CAN BUY ATY HOME DEPOTE


i was thinking about this pump what do u think
CA- 3000 Aqua Pump
1000 GPH
also what would ya need to put in the fuge. i will be putting in live sand and rock. anything else i would need?


Active Member
That pump is in the "ballpark" for gph rating and would work...
I'm not familar with the CA brand so I won't comment on "quality" , but as the "Heart" of you S/F system make sure you get a reliable pump like a Mag...
As far as what you "put in" the fuge..that depends on what you want it to "do"....
My question would be...What is the purpose/goal for your fuge..?
Anything you want to "target" Pod production, nutrient export, denitrification zone, cryptic zone...??
Or just a general, all purpose,little bit of everything but doesn't do anything real well type system...?


ok thanks for the pump idea. i was looking for like a good filtereation system in the fuge. also the reason i asked about that pump was because it is only $35.00