need help in water levels


well do these water levels look correct to you guys?
Nitrate=0- 0.5
Salinity= 32
well i am asking this b/c last sunday one of my clownfish had a film covereed in it and then the next thing i knew it was dead, i have killed a few fish and i amd starting to get discouraged....any pointers b/c i really like the hobby but don't like killing innocent animals


New Member
I would help you , but im a beginner. But it help if you pleased told us wat other organisms you had in your tank. that way we kno that mayb one of your fish pals ain't causing your levels to go high or some thing.
I tryed to help,.......... sorry


how about 1.024
well i have 1 molly( yes i know ) 1 clown, 1 zebra damsel , 1 domino damsel and 1 blue damsel.....and a crab and a starfish


New Member
Well all i can tell you at the moment is that i read that damsels
are knownto cause damage. So keep an eye on them.
Tell you the truth i and another friend found out personaly along time ago.
Which was the last fish you brought?:happyfish


Need more info:
Since your readings seem Ok,
What water are you using? Ro/DI, tap
How long has tank been set up?
Do you have circulation...power heads..etc.
How long did you have fish before they died?
Was fish bought on line or from LFS
Acclimation? how long?
What temperature is tank at?
Number / kinds of fish
Is there ample hiding places / LR etc.
All of these factors can help determine what may or may not be causing the loss of your fish. :)


Active Member

Originally posted by keperman01
one of my clownfish had a film covereed in it and then the next thing i knew it was dead

This sounds to me like brooklynella...there's a pic of this in the disease forum FAQ sticky. Did it look like that?
I also agree about the damsels, they are very territorial and will most likely kill each other.


well i have had the tank set up for about 6 months now and i have had the clown fish about ever sense. I don't recall aclimating it b/c i didnt know what it was at the time but now i do
well another fish that died was my yellow tang....i had him for about 6 days and he died....i aclimated him for about 1 1/2 hours.....there is plenty of rocks and hinding places for it to get accustom to my aggressive damsels. however after a day he looked completely fine.....back to the clown.....i bought another clown at the same time so basically i had twins, this one is swimming like a champ......if i were to want to get rid of my damnsels any sugestions on how to do it b/c as i keep reading on here they are just a hastle....any suggestions on what i should get?!?! because i love the tropical fish....well thanks for you time guys and gals!