Need Help Lr Question Help


My lr just came in and I am stuck at work for about another two hours. Is the lr ok or should i have the nieghbor quickly put it in the tank tell i get home.


Unless your tank is currently uninhabited and you're going to cure the LR in it, I would definately not have the neighbor put it in the tank.
It will need to be re-cured and if there's animals in the tank, you risk them because the die-off from the LR would probably cause an ammonia spike.
As fbm suggested, have your neighbor bring the package inside out of the cold but that's it.


Its a new tank and the lr will be cured in there. I put the ls in yesterday. I just would like to auqascape it at the sametime and really dont want to mess with it much after that. just let the tank cycle and the lr cure for the next 4-6 weeks.

sea n life

hello you replied to my thread about the aqualight pro 150 are you happy with how bright it is sorry i posted nothing about the live rock but i didnt know how else to get ahold of you hahaha


Love it. The tanks still alittle cloudy but the light is really showing of the pinks on the rock. Did you order that one.


I just got some LR from a wholeseller and don't worry about the 2 hours. The rock has been out of the water for some time already. The owner did tell me to use use some air stones. It will speed up the process and you wont have any die off. Which I did. The rock was only $1.99 a pound and I pick it up from his store/warehouse, so no expensive shipping charges. The first time I got live rock it smelled up my garage really bad and I had to change my water alot to get rid of the smell. This time it never smelled too bad. Haven't change the water for a week. So I guess it is working. Worth a try.


hi i am about to order some rock also
uncure or cured does not matter to me
the thing is i saw you guys also had a new tank and were going to cycle with it for about 4 weeks or so
my problem is i dont know wether to cure the rock and then set it to cycle the tank (nothing in my tank yet)
or do you guy just add the rock as it arrives and do the water changes for the smell without taking anything of it


you can do either I prefer to cure it in the tank if its new rock and a new tank. just scrub it real good and get anything that looks dead or dieing off the rock first and use a good skimmer it will help the smell.


even though its for cycling a new tank
you have to cure it
is that what you are saying
sorry for bumping into your thread montdj


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
you can do either I prefer to cure it in the tank if its new rock and a new tank. just scrub it real good and get anything that looks dead or dieing off the rock first and use a good skimmer it will help the smell.
I agree on making sure it is pretty clean. I cured rock and never had any smell. It depends on the quality of the rock. If the tank is new, just put it in and get out your ammonia tests.Test tommorow! To preserve most of the life on the rock, do a large water change when the ammonia reaches 1ppm. If it sky rockets when you cure it, then not much is going to live beside bacteria and algae and you can let the ammonia go higher if you can't keep up on changes. The rock will still be good. Some rock has alot of die off, some has barely any. You will know by ammonia tests if you can save some of the life on your rocks, or if it is a lost cause.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I prefer to cure it in the tank if its new rock and a new tank. just scrub it real good and get anything that looks dead or dieing off the rock first and use a good skimmer it will help the smell.

Originally Posted by sepulatian

If the tank is new, just put it in and get out your ammonia tests.
this is what i dont understand
do you cure it (scrub the die of, off of the rock) then add it to the tank like mike said
do you add it to the tank as is like sepulatian said
sorry for my ill mind


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
thats essentially what the cycle is but in the tank is cureing the entire tank not just the rocks.
Ah, time to debate with mike. I agree it is to cycle the tank, but the spike depends on the rocks (surely you don't disagree) If the rocks have alot of life that is still alive then you don't want to allow the ammonia to spike past 1ppm because it will kill off the life. If the rocks have little life then you can let it spike then fall. Water changes are necessary to preserve the life if you have duters, crabs, "critters" still on there. If the rock is just algae, then you can let the Ammonia go. Wait for nitrite to drop to zero, then you are good to go.


both LOL
Scrub it off real good before you add it to the tank you dont want to add a lot of stuff that is dead or dying to the tank it will cause a prolonged cycle.
I think Sep forgot that part in her post LOL


very true but the idea is not to add a lot of dead material in the first place. I am not saying scrub it till its white though



i understand that, changing the water to preserve what i can while i can, and not letting it die unless i dont want it
i mean if you cure it, inst that taking of (by means of scrubbing the rock) what you will want to save by doing the water change
i just dont jet it
if you scrub the rock aren't you taking of what little or some of the life there is
am i missing something
does life in rock still remain after you scrub and with the help of water changes does it grow
sorry for all my questions
and thank you for helping me