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ok now im getting some were
you scrub it some what
doing this will preserve what is live
how do you know what to scrub or do you go with instinct and scrub on places you thing might have a dead spot


if you scrub the rock aren't you taking of what little or some of the life there is
vey little most of the life that you will want to keep is in the pores of the rock. You dont scrub it till everything is gone though selective scrubbing is best for example if you get your rock and there is a giant sponge on the rock that is black and decaying you want to scrub that off. If you have a area that has tube worms Dont scrub that area but pick at it if there is anything dead there.
does life in rock still remain after you scrub and with the help of water changes does it grow
yes the life will still be there most of te soft corals go by tissue regeneration so even if the outer layer of tissue is dead it can still regrow in to the coral it once was.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
both LOL
Scrub it off real good before you add it to the tank you dont want to add a lot of stuff that is dead or dying to the tank it will cause a prolonged cycle.
I think Sep forgot that part in her post LOL
Mr. Mike, I didn't forget. I think the issue here is that you and I are getting different quality rock. I think we both have a biased oppinion of what "rock" looks like. That would be why we give different advice on how to cure it. Mine came in with nothing looking dead on it. The rock was gorgeous and took two weeks to cure. I had a customer cycle a 75 gallon tank in three weeks. It depends on the rocks.


most of the life that you will want to keep is in the pores of the rock.
Again it depends on the rock quality. Sometimes you get great rock that has TONS of life on it. Maybe I just enjoy arguing with Mike......... :thinking:


one last question
is all the die off a certain color
like black
i keep seen that die off is black
but is die off a different color
how can you tell what is dead


Originally Posted by aquaman2000
one last question
is all the die off a certain color
like black
i keep seen that die off is black
but is die off a different color
Dead decaying material is black, that is the stuff you scrape off. Regular die off you (well I never saw anything looking to die) I am not sure on rock that has alot of die off.


the easiest way to tell is to smell it. sounds gross but if its dead you will know it. speaking of die off if you get the rock and it smells like the ocean dont be to concerend about it if it smells like something dead and they packaged it up for you really look for something dead.